Vishnu Vishal to make a film about his father R C Kudawla


Imminent death experiences change lives. For Vishnuu Vishal, this was a reminder of why he should not be carried away, especially when he was shooting unstable cascades.

"One could say that I was a little enthusiastic. Repeating, I knew that there was a chance to hurt myself. Oru Chinna heroism, but I made a miscalculation, "he smiles.

Costly Mistakes

The incident occurred earlier this year on the Tamil-Telugu plateaus of Prabhu Solomon – trilingual Kaadan in Hindi, when Vishnuu strikes himself head against another actor.

Multilevel Drought

  • While Vishnuu remains open to multi-stars, he explains why there are not many in the Tamil industry. "It's very rare to find filmmakers able to provide this balance to a multi-staged script. The last good multi-starring in Tamil, where everyone had the same space, was Chekka Chivantha Vaanam . There is also insecurity among the actors. The other fact is that you are not as good as your last movie. This is only if the next movie does more than your previous one, which the industry considers to you as a success. Some believe that they will lose fan clubs if they perform several stars. Then there are pay issues. "

The result was C5-C6 disc prolapse. A late diagnosis and hesitation on his part to go under the knife almost killed his actor.

"It was the birthday of my son Aryan. I could not breathe all of a sudden and the situation had darkened. I thought I was going to die, "he recalls, adding that his father, RC Kudawla, chief executive of the police, had been [traduction]" in a very bad state "in a kalai varma center in Adyar .

While practitioners were able to relieve his discomfort, Vishnuu learned that the impact of his stroke had affected the spine. It could have been worse.

"My back muscles were hit hard. Otherwise, I would have fractured my vertebrae. I sat listening in horror. They said I was very lucky, "he said, adding that he thought he was" almost 95 percent recovered. "

Accidents are not uncommon for the 34-year-old star.

  Vishnuu Vishal with Vikranth

Vishnuu Vishal with Vikranth

He will tell you that he is an accidental actor, having had the seeds of a big-screen dream planted in his head by an ambitious uncle, while he was sitting on a bed in the train to recover from … guess what? A wound.

This one was unfortunate, but it had cost him his childhood dream: to play cricket for the Indian team.

"It was a tibia fracture. After recovering, I could not play at the same level as before the injury. At the time, sports medicine was not as advanced as today, "says the man, who, when he was younger, was captain of A TN team that brought together two current Captains of IPL – Ravichandran Ashwin and Dinesh Karthik.

The father in front of the policeman

Vishnuu, the youngest of two siblings, would like to thank his father for supporting him in all his decisions, that he Act of cricket, his wedding or his movies.

Masala is key

  • Vishnuu Vishal has often fought back what he thinks are unfair critics of commercial films. "It's like entering an Italian restaurant and wondering why Italian food is served? Commercial films are the best-selling genre in Tamil. In this industry, the only question that matters is how much did your previous film collect? This is never so good it was a good movie or not. The other problem is that when the big hit vehicles are hit, it affects the entire sector. If a commercial film is collected, 10 small films will be funded. It's a very big chain, you'll only understand when you're inside. If a big film fails, the distributor and the theaters will hesitate to project smaller films, because a big loss can not be offset by another big film. "

The worship led to write a scenario about his father, who is ready to retire from the Indian police service in four months, that he plans to turn into feature film in "I will play my dad on screen," says the proud son.

But critics of the actor (and his detractors) of the sector have often claimed that he had fashioned his Ascension to take advantage of his father's position of power. [19659002] The actor denounces these claims and insists that he has never had any advantage. "Being my son [his] what i have is … if someone met you in 10 days, he would meet me in two days.If someone made you wait for five o'clock he kept me waiting for two hours, besides that, nobody gave me the opportunity, or showed me respect, "says the actor, who admits to being disappointed by the industry [19659023] Vishnuu Vishal in a photo of Silukkuvarpatti Singam ” title = “Vishnuu Vishal in une image de Silukkuvarpatti Singam “clbad =” media-object adaptive lazy “/>

Vishnuu Vishal in an image of Silukkuvarpatti Singam

"I felt cheated because a lot of people wanted a relationship with my dad and they even played me. They would commit to me, then come back later, "he adds.

Some favors have been requested; some of them downright stupid. "Even for impaired driving, they telephoned to ask for the intervention of my father (who was then ADGP). And they were the good directors and the big producers. What would you … as a father? All he wanted was that his son would succeed in the industry, "says Vishnuu.

Bollywood Dream

The only trump card of his injury is that the actor who struck the bull with ] Ratsasan had all the time needed to listen to the scripts.

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<p><!-- Top end --></p>
<p>  In fact, he spent so much time that he signed to appear in six films. This includes the film on the theme of sport where he will share the space with the actor Vikranth and a Vasanthabalan film in pre-production. </p>
<p>  Vishnuu also holds the Hindi remake rights of <em> Ratsasan </em> and confirms that he will do so. debuts in Bollywood if meeting with a renowned producer in Mumbai is successful. However, he retains the details until everything is engraved in the marble. </p>
<p>  Since he is one of the few Tamil actors to master Hindi perfectly, the question that arises is this: why did not the crossroads have place earlier? </p>
<p>  "Because few knew {that I spoke Hindi}. It's okay. I will start thinking about it now. I will not say no if I am approached for a Hindi film, "he says, adding," One thing I realized is that there is no certainty. Anything can happen anytime. The only thing I thought was <em> pucca </em> was my marriage. It's no longer there … "he pauses. </p>
<p>  <strong> Life is a roller coaster </strong> </p>
<p>  By his own admission, Vishnuu is an emotional person. "I stand out of the negativity because it leaves me agitated," he says. </p>
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  Vishnuu Vishal</p>
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While most of the "negative experiences" of his life have been momentary, the actor admits that the negativity of his divorce will remain with him.

Vishnuu was married to Rajini Natraj, whom he had married in 2011, after years of court. . The actor announced his legal separation on Twitter in November 2018. "I still do not understand what happened," he says.

To explain his situation, the actor reintroduced his personality as it was seven years ago.

"I was an introvert. I probably would not have done this interview. I never thought I was a performer and I still lacked self-confidence. I had used to look at my dad and my sister, who was a brilliant student, and I wondered if I would ever get any better than them in life, "he says.

Since he believed his personality was holding him back, he said he made the conscious decision to be social and flirt – only to help him improve his on-screen romance , he says.

"It's at this point that things went wrong. The question of "You have changed" appeared. Some time later, he became, "No, I did not marry this guy," he says.

There was no return from there. "You can not force anyone. I can not digest [that it ended]. But I must. For the sake of my son … (pause) … and his. I love her seriously even today, and I know she likes me well. She is a good person and she knows that I am too. But I think sometimes the universe does not want you to be together, "he adds in a melancholy tone.

As his personal life deteriorated, the actor was working Ratsasan and Silukkuvarpatti Singam .

"I have worked so hard for my career.Many people may have lost concentration.I am down every day but the work distracts me, I think about my son, I want to support Aryan and his mother all their lives, "he says.

"I am a sportsman, I am used to chess and bouncing back."

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