Your daily astrological horoscope is here for Monday, May 6, 2019, by the zodiac sign


Monday begins the week on a positive note and things do not improve anymore from here.

All astrological astrological signs are here for today, Monday, May 6, 2019. All signs of the astrological zodiac are known.

The week begins with positive energy as the moon begins to light up after a New Moon.

It's time to focus on increasing material gains and working hard to enrich your life financially.

RELATED: Your Daily Tarot Reading + Digital Horoscope for Monday, May 6, 2019 For All Signs of the Zodiac

The Moon is in the sign of Gemini, and even though It's the day of work, you will probably want to have a day off. Gemini likes to work hard, but they also like to be free.

We are fast approaching the Gemini season and then summer will be upon us. Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, enters into the sign of Taurus today and will remain there shortly after the start of the Gemini season on May 21st.

The transit is short because this fast-paced planet usually pbades between 14 and 30 days in a zodiac sign. Mercury will be in Taurus for only 21 days after 30 days in Aries. There is really not much to talk about or think about when it comes to moving your projects forward.

Do not forget that Mercury governs communication, fast energy, cars, social media, letters, commercial contracts and everything related to the sharing, receiving or dissemination of information .

Today, however, the Moon in Gemini encourages reflection and planning. Multitasking or lack of concentration may seem to occur when you start to realize the size of your goals and all you have to do to reach them.

The Gemini Moon operates with an incoherent energy with Neptune in Pisces. to arouse the desire to dream but not to do too much today.

The Moon also works in harmony with Pluto. This can trace back the past, reveal secrets or learn that we need to make changes to work and discuss them.

Nowadays, the Moon works in harmony with Mercury as well, bringing the mind and thought into a positive discourse. If you have something good to say, do not hesitate to write your ideas and thoughts. It is easier to capture words when Gemini energy is present.

To find out more, search for your zodiac sign below to find out what to expect according to astrology. Here is the horoscope of Monday, May 6, 2019, as well as a tarot card.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Tarot Card: The Emperor

Venus in your sign continues to open the door to prosperity and abundance. Do not let things that affect you emotionally make you lose sight of your great vision. Dream big. Forget the things that matter little and focus on the best version of yourself that you can be.

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TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Tarot card: Eight of chopsticks

A project , an object or something of the past can be returned to you and it is a financial gain. Things are improving and the navigation is going well here. There is a whole world waiting for you when the energy is good.

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GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Tarot Card: Ten of Swords

A friendship or a person with whom you have not had the chance to spend time for a while can come back into your life. Take a break and enjoy the time you spend catching up. All that is stressful can wait until tomorrow. Have fun.

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CANCER (June 21 to July 22)

Tarot Card: Death

Things are ready for improvement? Aim for that. Review all your plans. You already know that hard work takes you where you want to go, but did you know that rest helps you to have a perspective? Examine your prospects and make changes that improve your state of mind.

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LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Tarot Card: Nine of Swords

Enjoy new cultural experiences that will help you see the world as a place rich in experiences. Enjoy your friendships. Write down the things you do not need in your to-do list. Do things that make your life more enjoyable.

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VIRGO (August 23 – September 22) [19659016] Tarot Card: Six Swords

You can inherit from something or take advantage of something you give to your partner, and that could raise fears but do not let it go. You might feel a little threatened by the presence of such a powerful force in the air. Instead, see help as a way to lay the foundation for your common future.

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LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Tarot Map: The Emperor

A proposal could come your way and pave the way for a new work-related partnership. Any dream you wish to pursue can be yours. Master the art of "no". Write a list of everything that prevents you from making your wildest dreams come true, then avoid these things.

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SCORPION (23 October – 21 November)

Tarot Card: The man hanged

Concentrate you on your health, Establishing clear boundaries and establishing a routine should become a priority for you in the coming days. The more you feel better, the more you will accomplish what you want to do. An opportunity of your life awaits you and you will want to be ready to realize your dreams.

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SAGITARIAN (November 22 – December 21)

Tarot Card: The Empress

Happiness and joy are things you need most in your life. Give yourself a bit of leeway to make you understand that you are also working to achieve your goals.

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CAPRICORN (22 December – 19 January)

Tarot Card: The World

People you perceive to have more power than you can not be as strong as you thought. Knowing others' vulnerability can lead to your desire to show empathy.

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AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Tarot Card: Temperance

Do not speak, do it. You have a chance to step through a door and enter a phase of your life that brings you closer to your dreams. The first step is to create a routine or pattern of behavior in which your results support each other.

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PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Tarot Card: The Wizard

Earn 39; money! You are responsible for yourself today and find a way to become more disciplined minded and witty. Things are changing significantly, giving you a level of flexibility that leaves you a little more time in the afternoon that was not planned.

RELATED: Facts on the astrological sign of fish that perfectly explain these sages and these old souls [19659002] Aria Gmitter MS, MFA, is a writer, astrologer and L & # 39; publisher of YourTango Zodiac & Horoscopes, which covers astrology and celestial events. It is live on YourTango's Facebook page on Tuesdays at 10:20 pm EST, reading tarot cards and answering questions about your zodiac sign. Follow her on Facebook.

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