Game of Thrones Season 8 left plastic water bottles in sight



In Game of Thrones you stay hydrated or you die.

Episode 4 of the last season so decried had won a cup of coffee hidden from view. The finale of this evening contained some misplaced plastic water bottles

What is it … a cheeky bottle of Evian? Dasani? It's hard to say, but we certainly have a messy plastic water bottle there.

Which is obviously not a problem in the grand scheme of things. All shows have bloopers like this, but when you consider the coffee drama – and the mediocre reception season 8 had in general – it's hard to ignore.

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] Look at this:

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And it looks like a second bottle has been found next to Ser Davos.

Oh my God.

Maybe it's just an elaborate Easter egg? It is one thing that we see today. Maybe water bottles and coffee mugs are like video game collectibles. Like feathers in Assbadin's Creed. We have three people up to now. If we get 20 of these bad boys, we will have a platinum trophy on PS4.

HBO did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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