Progressive Rollout to More Users] Smart Replies come to more apps and automatically suggest contextual actions


We all had to switch from one application to another to perform a particular task, whether to open Google Maps to search for an address to which you sent an SMS, schedule an appointment in your calendar after having received an email, or even. look for an artist whose friend has just spoken to you. These are simple tasks that the AI ​​can easily identify, as Android does already when you long press a number or address. We recently learned that Q would suggest quick actions directly in your notifications based on the content of the message. Google has officially confirmed that Android Q will automatically recognize the context in order to recommend the next action to be taken after the receipt of the message.

The company has integrated Smart Replies into the operating system notification system, which means that it now works with any messaging application, including WhatsApp and Signal, and provides context-sensitive responses. . More importantly, the system can predict your next action based on what you have just received: if your friend sends you an address, you can open it by clicking on Map without having to read the message.

Learning Device, #AndroidQ prioritizes the notifications that matter most. # io19

– Android (@Android) May 7, 2019

Although Google has not officially confirmed the type of actions supported by the feature, we've seen that it works with links, that it can either open in your browser, or directly in the badociated application – for example, he would open a Twitter link in the app instead of the browser. Likewise, receiving a date and time will trigger a calendar action to record the event.

This new feature will save us time by allowing us to completely bypbad the messaging application and focus on the final action. We'll keep you informed as soon as we know what Smart Replies actions can do.

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