On May 24, JR Rowling's Harry Potter franchise announced a new series of non-fiction eBooks, to be released starting June 27. Entitled Harry Potter: A Journey Through …, Readers will delve deeper into some of the topics taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft.
According to Pottermore these ebooks are an "opportunity to absorb colorful characters and curious incidents of the true story of magic in a more compact form".
The series will feature four different digital books based on topics taught at Hogwarts. The first to appear are those on potions and herbalism, as well as spells and defense against the forces of evil. For those who are wondering about these topics, here are some videos (top and bottom):
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Another pair of ebooks whose release is scheduled later will deal with divination and astronomy, as well as care of magical creatures.
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The books will be available in four languages - English, French, Italian and German – as soon as they are published.
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