Apr 21 – 20
You may not know why you should to have such confidence in the future. Just enjoy the feeling of growing optimism that should cheer you up over the next few days, in the intriguing relationship of the Sun with Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and the great outdoors.
TAURUS (April 21 – May 21)
Over the years, you have accumulated a considerable amount of wisdom and experience. You can now help a variety of people whose collective businesses are struggling for lack of voice. Speak – it's time to hear you.
GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)
The stars of the week start on a positive note, but as the days go by, argumentative influences infiltrate. You must be aware that what seems to be a golden opportunity could now turn in the opposite direction next weekend. Plus, today's harsh words may come back to you later.
CANCER (June 22 – July 23)
You wondered what had happened to your so-called good fortune. Well, today's intriguing planetary schemes offer a good guarantee that events are going in your direction. All you have to do is get on the train as it rolls – and you hang tight.
LEO (July 24 – August 23)
In many ways, you are doing better than most at the moment, because you have the mind to see a personal situation for what is wrong. He is really. I doubt that anyone can pull the wool over your eyes. You may even realize that practical cast iron arrangements might not work after all.
VIRGO (August 24 – Sept. 23)
You are going through a rather special phase, perhaps because you are not really good at what you want. Try to be a little more comfortable and relaxed with the world in general, without switching to the other extreme and become disorganized and chaotic.
LIBRA (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23)
It's time to tell another word to all Librans who are plagued by domestic change – that there's only a fortnight left days of confusion. In fact, you will all find that it is easier to solve family problems next month, which must be good news.
SCORPION (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22)
You can imagine that everything at home is just right and beautiful-dory. However, it is just in those moments that you need to take extra precautions. Do your best to make sure that your family members are happy and satisfied – even if they are not!
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 22)
You will soon share with your comrades the signs of fire, Leo and Aries, a superb challenge, planetary alignment. However, your optimism may be tempered by the belief that even in some ways it is possible that you are now out of your depth. It's time to build on your past experience.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 23 – Jan. 20)
Partners, close badociates and close badociates are about to return to an optimistic peak after a few weeks of uncertainty. You can help them develop their good feelings and share their success. You must also help them deal with the truth.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19)
You are an Aquarian, so no one can really put you on the spot or undermine your self-confidence unless you allow it. at. However, judicious concessions made now will prevent them from even attempting the coup. Your judgment and timing are crucial and I guess you will be walking a tightrope temporarily.
PISCES (Feb. 20 – Mar. 20)
As long as you keep your eyes on the ball, you have a good start to the week, so no fears about it. As the days go by, simply keep an eye on these secret concerns and frustrated hopes that tend to break out during moments of irritation or pressure. Talk to your friends and those who know best, if you need comfort.
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