Bombay High Court denounces CBFC: "You will not decide what you want to watch"


Friday, the Bombay High Court criticized the Central Council
Film Certification (CBFC) for refusing to issue a U certificate to a
children's movie. The film Chidiakhana tells the story of a boy from Bihar, who
moves to Mumbai to pursue his dream of playing football. HC stated that CBFC does not have
intellectual or moral authority to decide what people can see and listen to.

A bench of judges Satyaranjan Dharmadhikari and Gautam
Patel was angered by the CBFC for granting a U / A (universal / adult) certificate to
the film, which deals with child labor.

Justice Patel stated, "Are you ostriches of the CBFC? Put your head
in the sand and pretend that something does not exist. When CBFC said, "They have
certain conditions and if these are fulfilled, the film will be
given "U / A" certificate ", he Irked the high court and asked how the council can
say that it will give a certificate "U / A" regardless of whether the scene and
abuse is removed, "states PTI.

Patel J. went on to say:" We are in fact wondering whether the
The leaders of the CBFC have their own children. You (CBFC) are a certification office
and not a council of censorship. You will not decide what you want to watch and see. Nobody
gave you the intellectual morality and the authority to decide what you want
look and see. Looks like we may have to redefine entirely your role because
you realize that the whole population is infantile and foolish
and you are the only one with an iota of intelligence to decide for
everyone, "added the judges," if a film aimed at children
highlights serious problems such as racism, drug addiction, drug addiction, etc.
the best way to explain the problems. "

" Otherwise, how to show and explain these problems to a
child? Is it not better to show such films to the child and explain that this
That's what's happening and that's not true, "added Judge Patel.

In addition, the PTI Report also indicates that the
also directed the CBFC Regional Officer to file an affidavit detailing and spelling
board policy when certifying children's films. The audience for the
petition has been scheduled for August 5th. In the petition, "the CBFC had requested
for an abusive word to be silenced and the removal of a scene that the board
considered offensive. "Reports PTI.

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