Kulfi Kumar Bajewala is one of the most underrated TV shows in India


The story revolves around the journey of a young prodigy singer, Kullfi, who encounters all sorts of difficulties to unite with his father, Sikandar Singh Gill.

The show receives generally positive reviews on its release. Critics have particularly praised the main actors of the series, its history, its concept and its music. In its first week, the show is ranked in the top sixteen in India. He has received a lot of praise. He has won five Indian television Oscars, including best show, best actor, best actor for children, best lyrics and dialogues. The child actress Aakriti also received the award for best child actor at the 2018 Gold Awards.

The story focuses primarily on Kulfi's singing talent and on her quest for the father. His father, who was also a singer, had abandoned his mother, not knowing that she was pregnant with kulfi, to create a career for herself.

This is a very different concept from the broadcasts we usually see on television. It is something new and an interesting scenario, not to forget the incredible actors of the series. Aakriti who plays Kulfi is an exceptional actor and has a very good persuasive power. She can very well engage the public.

The show received many mixed reviews. Although many people like the series for the screenplay, as it is very different from the usual stories and acting of Aakriti, many people blame the series for showing the perverse triumph of good, which is why they do not do not watch this show as much. He has an amazing direction.



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