DGP prison makes shocking new statements about the death of Sridevi | BizAsia


It has been more than a year since the first Bollywood superstar, Sridevi, died prematurely, and although her death has been described as "accidental drowning," a number of conspiracy theories have been touring since his death. A shocking version of the saga, a Kerala newspaper cited a DGP prison, Rishiraj Singh, claiming that death was not an accident but a murder. He reportedly stated that his late friend, the medical examiner Umadathan, had reported several circumstantial evidence that the death was a murder.

It was also reported that a retired VPA of Delhi police, Ved Bhushan, reportedly stated that he was not allowed to take a look at the hotel room of Sridevi. He ruled out "accidental drowning" by describing possible events in the adjacent room. He added that many questions remained unanswered.

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