A 6 year old boy adorably places Pope Francis in the Vatican


An adorable six-year-old boy surprised Pope Francis during his hearing on Wednesday at the Vatican.

Fortunately, the pontiff gave his blessing to the young man.

"Whichever it is, leave it," According to the Associated Press, the pope warned his Italian-Argentine mother while he was attempting to get him out of the scene.

What he played

Wenzel Wirth saw his window and ran with it. He climbed the stage where he managed to steal the show from the pontiff as he pulled the arm of a stoic Swiss guard, crawling around the podium, and turned on stage as if it were his own personal game room.

"He is free. Unruly-free, but he is free, "said the pope. "It made me think," Am I so free before God? "

" When Jesus says we must be like children, it means that we must have the freedom that a child has in front of his father. I think this child preaches to us all. And ask the grace of the word (for him). "

Wirth's father, Ariel Wirth, told The Associated Press that his son had language limitations and behavioral problems, and that" we were trying to let him be free. "[19659002] Fortunately, almost everyone speaks the language of playful children – especially the pontiff himself, it seems.

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