A black man killed by Chicago police died of several shots, autopsies | American News


Autopsy results published on Sunday showed that a black man killed by a Chicago policeman near his home died multiple gunshot wounds.

Medical examiners published the cause of the death of Harith Augustus, 37, whose south side of the city Saturday night triggered violent demonstrations.

A resident of the area, Gloria Rainge, told the Chicago Sun-Times Augustus, who was known in the Grand Crossing neighborhood as "Snoop", worked in a hair salon and had a five-year-old daughter. years.

In a statement, civil rights activist Reverend Jesse Jackson called the tragedy a shooting and said it was a blessing that Augustus had not brought his daughter with him to work on Saturday, as he was known.

Augustus was not a known gang member and had no recent arrest history, said police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi. He would not name the officer who shot Augustus.

  Harith Augustus.

Harith Augustus. Photography: Harith Augustus / Facebook

The police planned to release images of the cameras worn by police later Sunday.

Guglielmi stated that a body camera and surveillance footage showed that Augustus had what appeared to be a gun. He also said on Sunday that the agents had found two gun magazines with a weapon at the site of the shooting. Police on foot patrol attempted to question the man about a "bulge around his belt" which indicated that he was armed, told reporters the chief of the patrol, Fred Waller. The man was released and fled the officers, who believed "that he seemed to be looking for a gun" and shot him, Waller said.

  A camera image of the Chicago Police Corps shows officers trying to catch Harith Augustus

A camera image of the Chicago Police Force shows officers trying to catch Harith Augustus. Photography: Handout / Reuters

Residents later clashed with the police. Some threw stones and bottles, some filled with urine. Officers fought back with batons. Four people were arrested and four officers were treated for minor injuries.

Chicago had a troubled history of police shootings. Saturday saw at least the shooting of the third officer in the city in the last two weeks.

Jackson called for the release of a video and footage of 2014 showing a white officer firing at a 17-year-old black, Laquan McDonald, 16 times. After the publication of this video, the city broke out in protest.

The officer, Jason Van Dyke, was charged with murder. The death of McDonald led to the departure of the police chief and reforms to prevent future police abuse and to hold police accountable.

On Sunday, the Civilian Police Office said that it was badyzing the video of Augustus' shooting. He asked everyone who captured video footage to share it.

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