A caravan of migrants stopped at the border between Mexico and Guatemala, pressure is exerted to roll back the mountains


On October 19, hundreds of people from a caravan of migrants from Honduras to Guatemala made a dramatic attempt to cross the Mexican border, as local governments prepared to disperse the convoy under pressure from Washington.

Guatemalan border posts in Tecun Uman City and a bridge to Mexico were stopped by dozens of Mexican policemen in riot gear.

US President Donald Trump warned that the Central American caravan had to be stopped before reaching the United States, and that Honduras and Guatemala rallied to witness the return. Honduran migrants in their country of origin.

Some migrants violently barred the fence at the border and police said some police officers were injured in clashes. A handful of migrants jumped into the Suchiate River below to swim in search of rafts. Others have returned to Guatemala.

Carrying backpacks and young children, many distressed migrants were simply sitting on the deck. Some said that they had been gbaded. During the afternoon, a tropical storm, Vicente, formed off the Pacific coast.

Jose Brian Guerrero, a 24-year-old Honduran traveling with neighbors and his extended family, said he had joined the caravan to escape the violence. street gangs and to find work.

"There is nothing for us in our country," said Guerrero, who was selling beans in Honduras.

On the evening of 19 October, Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez met with him. his Guatemalan counterpart, Jimmy Morales, requests permission to send a civil protection staff to help Hondurans and find a means of transportation for those wishing to return.


Shortly after, the Guatemalan government tweeted that Hernandez would meet Morales on October 20 in Guatemala to implement a return strategy for Honduran migrants.

Meanwhile, in a late televised speech, Mexican President Enriqu e Pena Nieto called the mbad race to enter the "unprecedented" border, accusing some migrants of attacking the police. .

"Mexico does not allow and will not allow (people) to enter its territory illegally, let alone violently," he said.

A similar caravan from Central America, formed in southern Mexico in late March, also angered Trump, who threatened Thursday to call on the army and close the southern border if Mexico did not stop the new march.

a move would cause chaos on the waypoint, one of the busiest in the world, and would seriously disrupt trade.

Trump said Friday in Scottsdale, Arizona, that he "greatly appreciated" Mexico's efforts to stop the caravan.

"If that does not work, we call the army – not the (national) Guard – we call the army," he told reporters. "They do not go to this country."

Trump also threatened to cut aid to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador – some of the poorest and most violent countries in the Americas – they were failing to prevent immigrants without papers going to the United States.

Each year, their emigrants make up the bulk of the people currently being caught trying to enter the United States illegally.

Several migrants on the border between Guatemala and Mexico claimed that entire neighborhoods had left their homes to reach the country. Trek after news, a call for a new "caravan" in Mexico was broadcast on social networks six months after the previous one.


Previously, Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met in Mexico City and met with discussed the caravan that left Honduras last weekend.

"It's a challenge that Mexico faces and that's what I told the Pompeo secretary," Videgaray told a joint press conference this.

Pompeo stated that he and Videgaray spoke of the importance of stopping the caravan before it reached the US border.

Unlike the previous caravan, which had advanced to Mexico before authorities tried to treat migrants, the Mexican government turned to the new group on its southern border.

The Government of Mexico requested the badistance of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). As Mexico treats migrants, the caravan will probably disperse slowly.

On Friday morning, Videgaray said that the caravan numbered nearly 4,000 people and that migrants could individually submit their application to enter Mexico or obtain refugee status.

"We did not have a caravan or group of this size in search of a refuge at the same time, which is why we sought the support of the United Nations ", he said on Mexican television.

Mexico says that migrants without a legitimate cause for asylum in Mexico will be returned to their country of origin. A Mexican official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the country has the capacity to treat about 200 people a day.


Hundreds of Mexican policemen were sent to monitor the border The Guatemalan cities of Tecun Uman and Ciudad Hidalgo in Mexico are preparing for the arrival of the caravan of migrants.

Manelich Castilla, chief of the Federal Police of Mexico, stated at the scene that his officers had restored order after the push of migrants to the border, and would begin to allow people to be treated in an orderly manner .

Six policemen were injured, Castilla said.

UNHCR spokesman Charlie Yaxley said the agency was strengthening southern Mexico's capacity for counseling, legal badistance and humanitarian badistance. asylum seekers.

"UNHCR is concerned that the mobilization of so many people from the same group will overwhelm the capacity of the region," he told reporters. erence.

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