A Chennai director kills a woman and cuts her body if there is suspicion of an extramarital affair


New Delhi: A 51-year-old Tamil filmmaker was arrested for allegedly killing his wife, tore up the body and throwing him in the trash in Chennai.

According to a report published in Hindustan Times badistant director in the film industry of Kollywood in Chennai, Gopalakrishnan, murdered his wife suspected of having committed to infidelity .

"Gopalakrishnan suspected that Sandhya, much younger with him, had an affair, and invited him to Chennai during the Pongal holidays, which had been quarreling since his arrival and the evening of January 18, a day later. After the Pongal festivities, he hit her in a fit of rage and died on the spot, and for the crime, he decapitated the body, cut off the limbs and threw them to different places: one hand and two legs, thrown in Kodambakkam, were found in Perungudi, "police reported.
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The defendant was arrested Wednesday in his Jafferkhanpet residence after police found the remains of the body in the public dump of Corporation, in the suburb of Perungudi.
The company's health workers had informed the police after discovering female members in the garbage truck, which was carrying garbage from the Kodambakkam district to Perungudi.

The hand was tattooed and the police were initially unintelligent. But a missing woman's complaint in Thoothukdi cast a light and the deceased was identified as Sandhya (39) from the port city of Thoothukudi in the south of the country.

This led to the arrest of Gopalakrishnan and, during his interrogation, he admitted to committing the crime, HT stated that he cited sources.

According to the police, Gopalakrishnan had produced a film about the budget funded by Sandhya in 2010. But he had failed and caused financial hardship forcing him to work as an badistant director with his friends and acquaintances.

Over the years, frequent quarrels erupted between them, suspecting each other's loyalty and having filed for divorce. Although Sandhya left for her maternal home in Thoothukudi, they were in conversation, they have two children, a son and a daughter.

At the same time, police suspect Gopalakrishnan alone of not having cut the body to pieces in his congested neighborhood. . An investigation is underway to determine if some of Gopalakrishnan's friends helped him, the report said.

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