A college student rushed to the hospital after constantly crying during Avengers: Endgame


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Avengers: Everyone is talking about the end of the game, and that makes sense, because the hype on social media has exploded since the the trailers began to fall a few months ago! This film is considered the longest and most emotional, and even Chris Evans cried six times watching the movie! But i Is it really so emotional?

This certainly seems to be the case for this student because she cried for three hours while watching Avengers: Endgame and had to be rushed to the hospital after the movie ended! This incident occurred on April 24 in Zhejiang, China.

Source: CNBC

According to people, the 21-year-old lady and her friends went for the first screening of the film and she was deeply absorbed by developments in the plot. While others were sobbing softly, she cried and breathed heavily after watching a certain scene that broke her heart. No har spoilers!

After leaving the cinema, she felt sudden pain in her chest and had trouble breathing. His limbs began to feel numb and show symptoms of spasms, including tight fists. Seeing this, her friends immediately called an ambulance and took her to the hospital.

The attending physician who treated the patient stated:

"I saw her gasping for air and, according to her friends' description, we thought that she was going to be sick. she had had to cry too much, which led to hyperventilation. We immediately put an oxygen mask on her and tried to calm her so that her symptoms disappeared.

Source: sn.people

She was allowed to go home the same evening after treatment. Judging by her reaction, she must be an unconditional fan of Marvel who just can not stand the shocking twists of intrigue in Avengers: Endgame. Is the film really so emotional? Let us know what you think in the comments! Again, no spoilers!

See also: Anxious employees may spoil a movie and reserve space for everyone to watch the Avengers: End of the match

 Spoilers, Books a hall for everyone to watch Avengers: Endgame - WORLD OF BUZZ

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