A document reveals that Robert Mueller is focusing on advice regarding WikiLeaks plans


Washington: The team's special advocate Robert Mueller thinks that a conservative writer and conspiracy theorist has warned Donald Trump's confidant, Roger Stone, several months before WikiLeaks only publishes thousands of stolen emails to Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, according to a recently released document.

The paper, written as part of an offer of plea in favor of Jerome Corsi, offers an unprecedented window on an active part of Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the elections and possible coordination with Trump's staff.

He reveals that Mueller is at the center of his concerns. on whether Americans close to the Trump campaign had any idea of ​​WikiLeaks' plan to publish pirated material during the 2016 presidential campaign.
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The content of the document was first reported by NBC News and a copy of this document was posted by the Washington Post. Corsi told The Associated Press on Tuesday night that the document had been provided to his lawyer by Mueller's team. Stone denied having been informed in advance of WikiLeaks projects. Mueller spokesman Peter Carr did not immediately return a message asking for comment.
Corsi stated that the document, which mirrors similar documents filed by Mueller in previous advocacy agreements, contains portions of e-mails that he exchanged with Stone during the summer of 2016 about WikiLeaks.

But he denied that he intentionally lied to the investigators about the emails, and stated that this was the reason why he had rejected the plea offer, which would have accused him of a false misrepresentation. "I never knowingly and knowingly gave them false information," Corsi said. He said he forgot the emails in question during his first interview with the Mueller team, noting that they were among the 60,000 contents on the laptop that he had provided to the special advocate office.

According to the document, the emails were exchanged at the end of July and early August 2016, more than two months before WikiLeaks published thousands of stolen e-mails on the private messaging account of Clinton campaign president John Podesta.

At the end of July 2016, the document shows that Stone sent an email to Corsi, asking him to make contact. with Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, who has resided at the Embbady of Ecuador in London since 2012.

Stone said that he wanted Corsi to try to get emails that the group owned on Clinton. The document states that Corsi forwarded Stone's application to an "overseas individual", identified by Corsi as being Ted Malloch, a London-based scholar who stated that he had also been questioned by Mueller. And on August 2, 2016, the document quotes Corsi's answer to Stone.

"Word is a friend in the plans of the Embbady still plans two dumps. A little after my return on October 2, Impact was to be very damaging," writes Corsi, who was in Europe at the time. ;time. He then told Stone that the time had come for Podesta "to be exposed as an enemy in bed if he is not ready to dump HRC," referring to Clinton.

On Tuesday, Corsi told AP that he had sent Stone an email. The exact prediction that WikiLeaks would publish derogatory information about Podesta in October was based on its own inference and not on the outcome of inside information or a source close to the group.

"It's a guess." This email "is" is 100% speculation on my part, a package so Roger will not reject it because I'm really sure I'm right " , did he declare.

He stated that he had never had contact with Assange and that he had never contacted him. t get prior knowledge of WikiLeaks plans.

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