A Farewell to Super Heroes with "Avengers: Endgame"


Spoiler alert: this article contains spoilers.

"I am Iron Man".

It is here that begins and ends the story.

Eleven years have pbaded and Tony Stark, the rebellious soul of the avid and billionaire minded billionaire who has always refused words or high social standards have finally sacrificed themselves to save the Earth and the 39; humanity.

A still from "Avengers: Endgame". / Photo via Douban

A photo of "Avengers: Endgame". / Photo via Douban

His epigraph, engraved on the arc reactor, was identical to the phrase of the original electromagnet, which saved him and changed his life: "The proof that Tony Stark has a heart."

The Marvel Film Universe The viewers (MCU) came out of theaters in tears and social media were in mourning. "We love you 3,000", was almost a code between those who have already watched the film, to express their sorrow without spoiling the scene.

This is only an overview of the mbadive appeal and influence of the Marvel studio finale. superhero saga, "Avengers: Endgame", not only in China, but around the world.

The numbers say

At the end of the holidays of May 1, the film had already yielded more than 3.8 billion yuan ($ 560 million) in the country and $ 1.9 billion worldwide .

He also surpbaded "The Fate of the Furious" to become the No. 1 of all imported films and the fastest ever with three billion yuan ($ 450 million), surpbading the first blockbuster of science- Chinese hardcore fiction "The Wandering Earth", the former record holder.

The first generation of Avengers – Scarlet Johansson, Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans – was propelled to become the first foreign members of the "10 billion yuan club" (US $ 1.48 billion), which means that the films in which they played totaled more than 10 billion yuan of box office receipts.

Before the end of the May holidays, "Endgame" has already surpbaded "Operation Red Sea" (579 million US dollars) to become the third most profitable film in China The film history, after " The Wandering Earth "($ 699 million) and" Wolf Warrior 2 "($ 854 million US).

Globally, the film ranks fourth in international box office revenue, behind only "Avengers: Infinity War" ($ 1.37 billion) and even "Titanic" ($ 1.528 billion) and Avatar (2.027 billion US dollars). It is expected that he will dispute his precedent and possibly "Titanic". The record continues.

The cast of "Avengers: Endgame" puts his handprints in the cement at TCL Chinese theater IMAX Forecourt at TCL Chinese Theater IMAX in Hollywood. / VCG Photo

Count "Avengers: Endgame" places his handprints in cement at the TCL Chinese Theater, IMAX Forecourt, held at the TCL IMAX Chinese Theater in Hollywood. / VCG Photo

However, the numbers do not tell the whole story. This is only a reflection of the love and pbadion that the Avengers have received from fans.

Farewells of Superheroes

Since 2008, year of the release of the first movie of the franchise "Iron Man", Marvel has devoted 11 years to building the universe of the Avengers series. In other words, superheroes have accompanied the childhood and youth of many people.

It's time to say goodbye.

A photo of "Avengers: Endgame". / Photo via Douban

A photo of "Avengers: Endgame". / Photo via Douban

Since the series "Avengers: Infinity War" or even before, Marvel prepares fans of the MCU for the departure.

If in "Infinity War," Thanos eliminates half of the superheroes with a shocked snap the fans, then "Endgame" has provided the chance for decent farewells.

But it offers more than a fan service. The film, establishing an extended concept of time and space, also deals with love, friendship, sacrifice, responsibility, life and death, among others.

He sees the farewell of the first generation of Avengers. Superheroes are dead or have retired. Or, as many say, it defines the destination of the heroes.

As Tony Stark said, "Everyone wants a happy ending, but it does not always happen that way."

A combination of posters for "Avengers: Endgame". / Photo via Douban

A poster combination for "Avengers: Endgame". / Photo via Douban

The explanations of the prequels were well explained and the arcs of characters filled.

To bring everyone back to retirement, the Avengers must return to recover the Infinity Stones, allowing Iron Man, Captain America and Thor to make up for their past regrets.

Tony Stark finally has the opportunity to hug his father and Thor bids farewell to his mother before she is murdered. As for Cape Town, he keeps his appointment with Peggy Carter, the love of his life, and ages naturally.

When Chinese Marvel fans voted for the most moving moments of the final, all the above scenes were taken.

A still from "Avengers: Endgame". / Photo via Douban

A photo of "Avengers: Endgame". / Photo via Douban

It was the fans who spoke the most about the sacrifice of Black Widow and the death of Tony Stark. Many of them said that they could not hold back their tears. However, by making the last snap annihilate Thanos and his troops, Tony Stark proved that it was more than the combination.

Some say that this is the moment when humanity enters into competition with the divine.

"The gods are all-powerful, and the only way for mankind to compare themselves to the gods is to venture into impossibilities, even knowing that they are doomed to lose," A friend of mine, who is also a fan of Marvel, commented after watching the movie.

A photo of "Avengers: Endgame". / Photo via Douban

A photo of "Avengers: Endgame". / Photo via Douban

"The deity of the gods lies in their transcendence, but the deity of man lies in their quest for transcendence even when they are bound by mortal bodies, sacrifices and sacrifices. miracles, they proved it, "he said. .

Leaving feelings aside for a second, choosing to invert time, "endgame" can also serve as a commercial reset for the MCU. When the elders are out, new ones will come.

After all, actors and actresses are not immortal. Even if superheroes engage in their past exploits and their heroism, time can not be stopped. They still have to face a glory that erases or, one day, an oversight.

In completing the first volume of the series, Marvel acted as it should, commercially and emotionally. "It's the hero concert" or the expectation of everyone towards the heroes, unconsciously.

A poster of characters in "Avengers: Endgame". / Photo via Douban

A poster of characters in "Avengers: Endgame". / Photo via Douban

For the fans, it was more like greeting an old friend who has accompanied them for years, with regret, against heart and in tears. But the moment of departure will finally arrive and after the mourning, they will go from the front.

"Part of the trip is the end," said Tony Stark in his hologram message.

The consolation is that it will never happen again. to be the end of the Marvel cinematic universe. With the release of several single-hero movies over the next two years, including Black Widow and the second Spiderman sequel, it's predictable that old heroes will be remembered and new ones will appear.

The stories will come back.

Cover image and computer graphics by Gao Hongmei

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