A giant "Trump Baby" balloon will welcome Trump to London next week


President Donald Trump will go to the UK next week – a trip that he canceled and rescheduled for months over concerns over mbad protests.

Mbadive protests are still expected when the US president arrives in town on July 13. It will include a huge balloon of Trump's silhouette floating on the London skyline – wearing a diaper.

The 19-foot "Trump Baby" balloon, which will fly for two hours during the president's visit, is only the latest development of a diplomatic draft-filled tour. Trump does not get a full state visit, nor will he go to parliament – a typical honor for a visiting world leader.

The balloon is only one part of the events that should attract thousands of people. London Mayor Sadiq Khan approved the Trump balloon flight after more than 10,000 people signed a petition. The creators of Trump Baby also raised about 18,000 books – over $ 23,000 – through a crowdfunding campaign.

"The mayor supports the right to demonstrate peacefully and understands that this can take many different forms," ​​said Mayor Khan in a statement, according to CNN. "His city operations team met with the organizers and gave them permission to use Parliament Square Garden as a starting point for the airship."

The balloon will be tied to the ground in Parliament Square Gardens in London, according to the BBC, taunting Trump about 98 feet in the air.

The National Air Traffic Service (NATS) and the Metropolitan Police also need to grant approvals, so "Trump Baby" is not yet fully concluded.

repulsed on the plane of the balloon. The leader of the UKIP, Nigel Farage called it the "biggest insult to a US president ever sitting."

But Leo Murray, who gave birth to "Trump Baby," defended his idea of ​​protest in a Metro column:

So it's up to anyone who knows the difference between good and bad bad to resist this grotesque excuse for a president when he comes here. He must be short of the city, at least figuratively. But how? It's a man who does not have the capacity for moral shame. Liberal indignation makes him smile harder.

To really go to Trump, you have to get up to speed and talk to him in a language that he understands: personal insults.

Trump finally faces the London protests that he wanted to avoid

British Prime Minister Theresa May visited the White House in January 2017, the first foreign leader to appeal to Trump. At the time, May had asked Trump to travel to the UK for a state visit – but the invitation was met with frank protests from MPs and the general public .

Trump was also reluctant to visit because of fears of mbad protests. He was finally scheduled to make the trip early in the year 2018 to open the new US Embbady in London, but – again facing the prospect of protests – begged by the excuse that "I am here. he would not go to a ribbon slam because the Obama administration had made a "bad deal" at the embbady. (The movement, made for security reasons, was initiated under the administration of George W. Bush.)

Now, Trump will finally meet on July 13, but he will not get the official treatment of state visit granted to former leaders in the other half of this "special relationship" increasingly tense. But he will always meet the queen.

Even if the visit has been downgraded, the demonstrations are still planned. While Trump might have hoped that postponement of his visit would help, the events of the past few months have probably generated more animosity for the US president.

Tensions began to grow after a terrorist attack in London last June. Trump lashed out at London Mayor Sadiq Khan, accusing him of saying that there was no reason to be alarmed by a terrorist attack.

Trump took Khan out of context; he badured his constituents not to worry about the increased police presence. Khan's spokesman replied that he had more important things to do than respond to Trump's "misinformed tweet," which only sent another furious tweet, claiming that Khan had given an "excuse pathetic "to his original statement. Following Trump's comments, Khan had called May to cancel Trump's state visit.

Trump too attacked May herself after criticizing her retweets of anti-Muslim propaganda videos of a British hate group. Many British leaders, including Khan, have sentenced Trump. May issued a statement denouncing the group that had first posted the videos and "using hate stories that peddle lies and stir up tensions."

"It's not true that the president did it," May said. Trump responded on Twitter, telling him to "focus on destructive Islamic radical terrorism" in the UK.

@Theresa_May do not focus on me, focus on the destructive Islamic radical terrorism taking place in the UK.

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 30, 2017

Beyond these very public feuds, relations were strained with all US allies, especially after the tense meeting from Trump to the G7 in June and its decision to go ahead with tariffs for steel and aluminum. Trump will attend a NATO summit in Brussels before arriving for his meeting with May in London – which means that there is plenty of time for more tragedies to unfold.

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