A group of Marvel fans turned the MIT Grand Dome into Captain America's shield


The Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology brings together dedicated Marvel fans who are not afraid to go to the general public to show their love for the franchise.

On Sunday, the Boston Globe reported that a group of "jokers" turned the MIT's Grand Dome into Captain America's iconic red, white, and blue shield on Saturday night. Avengers' Honor: Endgame.

Now, thanks to a video uploaded to YouTube by MIT's sister, Raymond, Raymond Huffman, Fans of the Avengers group from around the world can see the display.

The redecoration of the dome was carried out by an ambitious group of dozens of people who call themselves the "hackers" of MIT. They would have started planning the tribute paid to Captain America about a year ago, after learning the release date of the latest Avengers movie, and have been working hard in recent months for s & # s Make sure everything is ready for the great revelation.

Members anonymously explained to The Boston Globe that the current generation of MIT students had grown up looking at the franchise, so they wanted to thank for the role that it played in their lives. And it seems that the demonstration of gratitude has been a real success, and has even attracted the attention and praise of Captain America himself, actor Chris Evans, who thinks the transformation is "very cool "

For those who do not know Dome Hacks of MIT, this is not the first time the building is tampered with. In the past, the big dome of the school had been turned into R2D2, with a fake police car placed on top, a piano, and so on.

  The large dome decorated to resemble R2D2

The large dome decorated to resemble R2D2

Image: Frank O 'Brien / The Boston Globe via Getty Images

  A fake car police officer at the top of the big dome of the university

Image: David L Ryan / The globe of Boston via Getty Images

A hacker badociated with the latest dome restoration on the theme of Captain America said to Boston Globe that "placing objects on the dome is a great challenge" and that "the priority is the safety of people and that of the structures of MIT."

"We hope that people will look and that their imagination will go wrong, "said the hacker at the publication.

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