A man stabbing targeted children at a 3-year anniversary party, police say


A knife-armed man targeted children who were attending a three-year anniversary party in an apartment complex in Idaho on Saturday night, making a stabbing trip which injured nine people, including six children, police said. ] The man, identified as 30 year old Timmy Earl Kinner, had returned to the complex, the Wylie Street Station Apartments, around 8:45 pm. On Saturday, a day after he was asked to leave the property because of his behavior, William L. Bones, the chief of police in Boise, Idaho, said at a press conference Sunday

. Kinner began to attack the children with a knife, said Chief Bones, who was visibly moved when he described a scene of victims scattered across the apartment complex, in the street and on the sidewalk

. She celebrated her birthday at the age of three: two four-year-olds, a six-year-old boy, an eight-year-old boy, and a twelve-year-old boy. The other three victims were adults who tried to intervene. Four victims received life-threatening injuries.

"It was an attack against the most vulnerable people, our children," said Chief Bones. "It's untenable, it's unacceptable.It's pure evil in my mind."

The birthday party, which was complete with cakes and decorations, was took place outside in an area that was accessible to the public, police said. On Sunday, remnants of blue and red balloons could be seen in a grbady area of ​​the complex

. Kinner did not cooperate, officials said, and the motive for his attack was not clear.

The apartments are home to a diverse community, including refugees and families with children. The stabbing victims came from Ethiopia, Iraq and Syria, police said. Chief Bones said that there was no evidence that the attack was a hate crime.

The resort's refugee community reacted with fear and horror, said Julianne Donnelly Tzul, Executive Director of the International Rescue Committee in Boise. working with families who had been stabbed. "It was very violent and very scary and there is a lot of trauma and injury right now," she said. Kinner, of Los Angeles, has been charged with multiple charges of felony and injury to a child.

Timmy Kinner, 30, has not cooperated with the authorities, added the police Sheriff County

He has an extensive criminal history spanning several states, including a Jail sentence in Kentucky, said Chief Bones

court records show that a Timmy Kinner born in 1988 has faced several charges in Tennessee in recent years, and since 2012 he has been found guilty badault, aggravated badault, weapon misdemeanor and unlawful possession of a controlled substance.

He had been in Idaho shortly, police said. A resident of the apartment complex had allowed Mr. Kinner to stay at his apartment after saying that he needed a place to go, said Chef Bones.

But he said that Mr. Kinner was asked to leave on Friday. concerned about his behavior. It was not immediately clear what happened before he was asked to leave.

Kinner left peacefully, but his return to the complex on Saturday night was a matter of revenge, Chief Bones said. Mr. Kinner targeted the children before the adults intervened at the party.

Saad Mahamoud, 21, said that he was returning from a shopping center when he entered the complex and saw a woman screaming, carrying a small child who appeared to have been stabbed . He said that he put the girl in her car and drove her to the hospital.

"I was going about 70 miles to the hour and walked through the lights," Mahamoud said.

He said that his 11-year-old brother's son had witnessed the stabbing of a window in the apartment. "He saw everything," said Mahamoud. "Just that guy grabbing the little kid and stabbing him with a knife then putting him on the floor and then hitting another child with the knife."

Chief Bones told the Idaho politician, "We have not had anything"

The Boise International Rescue Committee said in a statement that it was working with local organizations to provide advice and support to refugees and community members who were shaken by the attack.The organization helped fund the trip of an interpreter and parents of A child in Salt Lake City, where the child was airlifted for medical care

Tzul stated that his organization was also helping some families find a new place to live. Many families never want to live in this complex anymore, "she said.

On Sunday night, the children were running around the complex again and playing, messages of support were written in chalk at the school. One of them said, "You are appreciated! e said, "We are united."

A version of this article is printed on in A 15 of the New York Edition with the title: The man stabbed children at the party, the police say . Order Reprints | Paper of today | Subscribe

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