A man who shot Muslims at the New Zealand mosque told people to subscribe to Pewdiepie in the live stream


Residents of two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, were targeted by several gunmen in an apparent hate crime on Friday. It is believed that at least one of the armed men attended the attack and, a few minutes after its outbreak, shouted that people should subscribe to Pewdiepie, a YouTube star and somebody who was not there. one with the largest number of subscribers to YouTube.

"Remember boys, subscribe to Pewdiepie," reported gunmen. The man also reportedly visited 8Chan before killing people on Friday. "Please, do your part by spreading my message, taking notes and posting messages as you usually do," noted his message on March 8. 8Chan is a website similar to 4Chan that allows users to publish almost anything, legal or illegal, anonymously. 4Chan had already tightened some rules to prevent the spread of child badgraphy and other extreme and illegal content. After that, 8Chan has become the place of choice for Internet users looking to post the type of message or content that a website such as Twitter, Facebook or Reddit does not allow.

PewDiePie, whose real name is Felix Kjellberg, and who has been a great success online After he started streaming while he was playing, he currently has more than 89 million subscribers on YouTube. For the past year, Pewdiepie and the Indian series T Series, which also has a YouTube channel, are competing to become the largest YouTube channel in the world. Pewdiepie is in the lead, but as the number of T Series subscribers has grown, he has more and more prompted people to subscribe to his channel.

As a result, the slogans "subscribe to Pewdiepie" have become a meme, especially among people active in toxic online communities. The impression that has emerged is that Pewdiepie is a native of the Web, a white man who makes fun videos, while T Series is a chain of a developing country, which creates new and exciting products. strange videos of songs and songs. The nerds must keep PewDiePie in the lead and thwart the T-series which is simply exploding because of the Indian population. Over the past year, we have seen hackers disfigure Web sites with the "Subscribe to Pewdiepie" message and many users spamming comment sections, web forums, and online communities, urging users to leave Pewdiepie at the top of the ranking.

to see his name appear in New Zealand. "I have just heard of the devastating news of Christchurch in New Zealand, and I am completely disgusted to see my name spoken by this person, and my heart and my thoughts are with the victims, the families and all the people affected by it. this tragedy, "he wrote on his Twitter feed.

On Friday, several gunmen opened fire on residents of two mosques in Christchurch. Forty people died from mbad shootings, which would probably be the worst in the history of New Zealand, and 20 were injured. So far, law enforcement authorities have arrested four people in connection with the shooting. They also advised Muslims not to visit any mosque until the situation is under control.

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