A report of ball falsification denounces the "arrogant" culture of Australian cricket


An independent study of the balloon manipulation scandal condemned Monday an "arrogant" and "controlling" culture at Cricket Australia that led players to cheat for victory. The independent study conducted by the Sydney-based Center for Ethics accused Cricket Australia (CA) of giving lip service to the spirit of the game, leaving players with no moral direction. "The responsibility for this larger image rests on CA and not just on the players held directly responsible for the appalling incident in Newlands," the magazine published on Monday said. The scandal involved Australian players using sandpaper to alter the balloon flight during a test match against South Africa at Newlands Stadium in Cape Town in March this year. David Warner and drummer Cameron Bancroft were out of the game.

The scandal also claimed the scalp of CA chief executive James Sutherland and team performance boss Pat Howard. , included the complaints of those involved in the sport that there was a culture of intimidation among elite cricketers.

"The broad consensus among stakeholders is that AC does not" systematically "live up to its values ​​and principles," he said. "CA is perceived as saying one thing and doing another.The most common description of CA is" arrogant "and" controlling "."

It is said in such circumstances that the ball falsification scandal wa

CA President David Peever stated that the magazine offered the body the opportunity to "look in the mirror" .

"It was a difficult and difficult time for everyone involved in Australian Cricket, and for that I'm sorry," he said.

"Mistakes have been made, lessons have been learned and changes are and will continue to take place."

Peever said he would not join the CA Exodus and said the 12-month bans imposed on Smith and Warner and a nine-month suspension of Bancroft would be upheld.

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