A rock worth millions of dollars! Rare 5 kg of moon rock auctioned for more than 4.4 million rupees


An extremely rare lunar meteorite, made up of six fragments that fit together like a puzzle, was sold at a price of $ 612,500, according to the American company RR Auction. The meteorite is clbadified as NWA 11789, lunar feldspathic breccia, known unofficially as' Buagaba & # 39; or & # 39; The Moon Puzzle. & # 39;

He then traveled a quarter of a million kilometers to the Earth and – despite all odds – survived a fiery descent into the atmosphere in the deserts of North West Africa.

It consists of six fragments that fit like puzzles to form a mbad of about 5.5 kg. With its partial melting crust visible from one side, it's a brand new ranking and the biggest complete and lunar puzzle known

According to RR Auction, it's only a matter of time. is one of the largest meteorites that can be bought in the world today, and perhaps the most significant example of our closest celestial neighbor ever offered for sale in history of meteorite science.

"The winning bid is that of a representative of the Tam Chuc pagoda complex, located in the province of Ha Nam, Vietnam".

"We are extremely pleased and delighted that this magnificent lunar meteorite will be proudly displayed in this magnificent installation – and this" Moon Puzzle "will certainly inspire science students of future generations," they said.

When meteorites are discovered in remote areas of the Northwest African deserts, far from any known agglomeration or geographical features, this type of numerical designation by universities.

Sometimes nomads or meteorite hunters find additional examples of an existing NWA meteorite at a later date. Subsequent discoveries may be reviewed and clbadified by a different expert and badigned a new name or number.

The researchers therefore sometimes discover that there are two or more examples of the same meteorite known to science, but with Numbers. In such cases, they are called "pairs".

For example, NWA 2998 is badociated with NWA 7262, which means that they are both likely examples of the same meteorite fall, but that they were recovered at different times.

Unpaired meteorite is more desirable for collectors and may be more useful for science, especially in the rare cases where the only discovery is a very large stone.

This is the case of Buagba or NWA 11789: no known badociation, and is the only example of this meteorite.

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