A scientist from ex-NASA claims that extraterrestrials exist but meetings are covered by governments


A former NASA researcher thinks that the aliens are really there and that many governments have concealed extraterrestrial encounters.

Kevin Knuth, who is now a professor of physics at the University of Albany, says that there is a lot of evidence "to support the existence of UFOs in our universe.

He says that humanity must "face the possibility" that UFO sightings may be "visitors from afar" and insists that more research be done on the subject.

A photo taken in 1990 that claims to be from a UFO (Photo: JS Henrardi) [19659006] He writes for The Conversation: "I believe we have to face the possibility that some of the strange flying objects that surpbad the best planes in our inventory and defy the explanation may indeed be visitors from afar – and There is a lot of evidence to support UFO's signature

Knuth believes that talking about UFOs is taboo, which has prevented any proper scientific study on the subject and blames governments and the media for the skepticism that surrounds it. extraterrestrial study.

He adds: "Essentially, we are told that the subject is nonsense. UFOs are forbidden to serious scientific study and rational discussion, which unfortunately leaves the subject in the field of fringe and pseudo-scientists, many of whom littered the field with theories of conspiracy and wild speculation.

Declbadified document describing an observation of a UFO in December 1977, in Bahia, a state in northern Brazil (photo: Arquivo Nacional CollectionArquivo Nacional)
The jets are approaching an unidentified object (Image: Parzival191919 / Wikipedia

Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, France, New Zealand, Sweden, Russia and the United Kingdom have declbadified UFO files for a decade, and Knuth says the UFO sightings by government authorities justify them. Study of Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (CEFAA), formed by the Chilean government, and the Committee of Studies of Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (CEFAA), composed of scientists and military officials, as organizations who provide evidence with respect to

Knuth also discusses the "Fermi paradox" – the question of why we have never heard anything from other civilizations despite the immensity almost gu space by anticipating the existence of extraterrestrial life

An extraterrestrial document from the USAF Top Secret USAF 1948 (Photo: United United States Air Force US Air Force)

He said that It is very likely that aliens are real and that many of the 300 billion stars in our galaxy are able to host hospital planets.

"The problem is that there was not a single well-documented UFO encounter that would be considered a smoking weapon," he said. "The situation is exacerbated by the fact that many governments around the world have covered and clbadified information about such encounters."

He argues that a scientific knowledge based on evidence of the subject would be "greatly beneficial" to humanity. technology and knowledge and help us understand our place in the universe.

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