A UFO researcher spotting buildings and strange structures on the lunar surface


After badyzing various lunar photos published by NASA and other space agencies, a UFO researcher named Tyler Glockner spotted a white square-shaped structure that made many believe that extraterrestrials live on the natural satellite of the Earth. In the video, the UFO researcher also indirectly claimed that NASA was trying to hide many secrets surrounding the alien presence in the moon.

Interestingly, the square structure in the moon does not look natural and literally looks like many human buildings. have built on the earth. It should also be noted that the square structure of the moon has also cast a shadow on the ground.

The conspiracy theorist also reveals that the square structure of the moon is deliberately built on the moon

. that the square structure was not in a random area on the lunar surface, we can be sure that the square structure is not a problem.After badyzing the 3D view, I learned that the building White is actually sitting on the top of a mountain The white building offers a perfect view of all the craters and areas of the moon, "said Tyler Glocker in the video.

In the same video, Tyler Glockner published another image apparently taken from NASA 's Ames Research Center In the picture, two researchers were seen watching the monitor, but the real mystery of the image is on the screen.

As the camera zooms in, the image reveals a gigantic, building-like structure on the lunar surface Tyler Glockner believes that something sinister is happening on the surface of the moon. moon without the public knowing

The video is fast has become viral and the public has advanced various theories explaining these disturbing patterns.

Loucous Verenous "

" A short video for Secureteam, a giant puzzle for NASA, "comments Loucous Verenous

" They hide what is really there with this white square. There is something they do not want us to see, "comments Billy Anderson, another YouTuber

However, skeptics argue that these structures in the lunar surface are the result of pareidolia, a particular ability of the human brain to form a recognizable pattern or image on unknown objects.

A few days ago, a team of researchers from the Washington State University suggested that aliens could have lived in the moon 3.5 billion years ago. Some conspiracy theorists believe that Glockner's new discoveries could be remnants of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization that lived in the moon years ago.

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