Aamir Khan poses the only condition that his son Junaid should meet before making his film debut | Bollywood


Aamir Khan says that he is looking for the right story to launch his son Junaid in the movies but insists that he should pbad the screen test.

Aamir stated that the taste of his 26-year-old son in the movies was quite similar to his, but he will have to prove that it is worthy of a role before being signed for a project. "We're looking for Junaid, I've seen his work and I'm pretty happy with it, and when we get the good story … I believe in screening tests, so he has to pbad the test." he does it A good test, he will be in the film, otherwise he will not be, "said Aamir in a group interview.

The actor stated that Junaid had been trained in acting and had participated in plays. [19659002]

"He trained as an actor, followed a two-year training in theater at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in Los Angeles, and then He played there for a year, and he's been in the theater for three years now. " Aamir said that he would like his son to play strong characters rather than a "hero". "I would like to see him as a leading actor who plays characters, because I've always believed in that.You should always play characters and not heroes.There is a difference."

"I I have always felt happy that my films are coming out, people call me by the name of my characters. This tells me that my work has really hit the house, "he added.The actor was in conversation with the media to promote his next production, Rubaru Roshni.Realized by Svati Chakravarty Bhatkal, the film relates three real stories of sorrow and forgiveness. [19659006] Follow @htshowbiz for more

First published: January 28, 2019 16h12 IST

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