Activist says caravan is to blame


TAPACHULA, Mexico (AP) – Latest news from the caravan of Central Americans attempting to reach the United States (local time):

12:35 pm

An advocate for the rights of immigrants traveling With the caravan of Central American migrants accuse US President Donald Trump of having used the group of thousands of people to strengthen his base before the mid-term elections in the United States.

Irineo Mujica of the Pueblo Sin Fronteras group said "It is unfortunate that such a powerful president uses this caravan for political purposes."

He says there are two things responsible for migration: "hunger and death".

He says "no one is able to organize so many people, no one is an exodus". [19659007] Pueblo Sin Fronteras is a group that tries to provide humanitarian aid to migrants.



The President of the United States, Donald Donald, born in Honduras from a caravan of Trump migrants should stop accusing the caravan of harbouri Terrorists.

Denis Omar Contreras said: "There is not a single terrorist here."

He said Monday that everyone involved came from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua. And he adds, "As far as I know, there are no terrorists in these four countries, at least beyond corrupt governments."



United States. President Donald Trump said that the United States would begin to "cut or significantly reduce" the aid given to three Central American countries through a caravan of migrants heading to the border southern United States.

Trump tweet: "Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador have not been able to prevent people from leaving their country and coming illegally to the United States"

The three countries received together a funding of more than 500 million US dollars during the fiscal year 2017.

Trump alarmed a group of Thousands of migrants traveling to the United States via Mexico said: "Unfortunately it seems that the police and the Mexican military can not stop the caravan. "

He adds:" I alerted the patrolmen and the military to the fact that it was about A national emergie. . "White House officials could not provide details immediately."


5 am

Thousands of Honduran migrants wishing to reach the United States they extend on sidewalks, benches and squares impregnated with rain in the city of Tapachula, in the south of Mexico., worn out by another day of walking under a blazing sun.

They were united to ensure strength and security in number.

Some huddled under a metal roof in the main square of the city on Sunday night.Others were exhausted in the open air, with only thin plastic sheets to protect them from the sodden floor of an intense shower in the evening Some do not even have some plastic yet.

The group's advance has sparked strong criticism from the president American Donald Trump, who again criticized Sunday the Democratic Party what he apparently considers to be a winning affair for Republicans. more than two weeks before the mid-term elections.

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