Adept of the IS convicted of terrorist plot to kill the British prime minister


A British man of Bangladeshi origin who took the oath of allegiance to the Islamic State group was found guilty of plotting a terrorist plot to behead Prime Minister Theresa May in a suicide attack against Downing Street.

Na'a Imur Zakariyah Rahman, on trial at the Old Bailey court in London this week, planned to bomb the gates of 10 Downing Street, kill the guards and then attack the prime minister with a knife or rifle. His plan was foiled following a joint infiltration by the FBI in the United States and MI5 and Scotland Yard in the United Kingdom.

"I want to make a suicide bomb in Parliament. I want to try to kill Theresa May, "he told the intelligence agents infiltrated

" There are trucks here with big tankers, if a brother can drive him next to Parliament, I will bomb " Birmingham, 20, who had sworn allegiance to the Islamic State.

He was tried with an ISIS ally aged 22, Mohammad Aqib Imran, accused of having l & rsquo; Intended to travel abroad or in Libya Syria to engage in terrorism.

Imran has already been convicted of having a terrorist manual and the jury continues to deliberate on a charge of preparing terrorist acts against him abroad.

But meanwhile, Rahman was convicted of planning terrorist acts in Britain on Wednesday.His trial heard how he thought he was being helped by an ISIS manager while in fact he was talking to agents of the ISIS. It had become the center of a major infiltration operation mounted by anti-terrorist agents from Scotland Yard and MI5.

He was arrested in London in November of last year, shortly after several meetings with undercover police officers. Terrorists, and where he was provided with what he was told was a suicide vest and a bomb. Rahman admitted halfway through the trial to help his friend Imran join ISIS in Libya by recording a sponsorship video ISIS

The court heard that Rahman had been reported to the British police last August when he had been arrested. Indecent images to minor girls, but has never been accused. A review of his mobile phone raised concerns that he may have had extremist views

He told an undercover officer: "[God willing] will be very big if I succeed. I can not spoil, I can not get [martyrdom] if I'm caught. "

The trial heard that Rahman had been in contact with an uncle who had traveled to Syria and joined ISIS and who had encouraged his nephew to carry out attacks in Britain. His willingness to do something has hardened over time and he was in a hurry to do it when he heard his uncle was killed in a drone strike, the jury heard.

Uncle, 28-year-old Musadikur Rohaman, had sent his nephew told him to "take a gun and go to Waitrose and shoot people."

According to prosecutors, Rahman sought to portray himself as a so-called "liberal" Muslim to avoid drawing his attention to

He will be sentenced at a later date.

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