Afghan election organizers vow to hold presidential elections on time in April


  Election in Afghanistan, United States, Presidential Election in Afghanistan, Afghanistan Polls, Afghanistan United States, Kabul, Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC),

President Ashraf Ghani, elected at a poll Fraudulent voting in 2014, was only resolved in a power-sharing agreement negotiated by the United States, confirmed earlier this month that it would seek re-election | Photo Source: & nbspIANS

Kabul: Election organizers in Afghanistan pledged Tuesday to hold the April presidential election to term, after fearing that it will be delayed. insofar as it would strive to compile the results of the recent legislative vote despite thousands of complaints. These remarks come as the United States, in an effort to end the 17-year war, spearheads international efforts to engage the Taliban in peace talks, some of whom feared an end to the election. presidential election on April 20, which should be fiercely contested. On Monday, spokespersons for the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) and the Electoral Complaints Commission (CEC) told reporters that they were considering postponing the vote to 13 July.

CIS chief Abdul Badi Sayyad said "the economic, security and weather situation is forcing us to make changes to the calendar". On Tuesday, officials decided not to delay, issuing a statement on the IEC Facebook page stating that the vote would take place on April 20 "at the request of the people and parties". Presidential, district council and district council elections are planned for the whole country in 2019. A parliamentary poll, which took place in 33 of the 34 Afghan provinces last month, must also be held. place in Ghazni, where the vote was delayed following the demonstrations.

The Afghan constitution requires that the presidential election be held no later than 22 April. President Ashraf Ghani, elected at a fraudulent poll in 2014, was only resolved under a previously negotiated power-sharing agreement negotiated by the United States. this month, he will be running again. It is not certain who will challenge Ghani, but potential rivals vie for the high-level post, including Director General Abdullah Abdullah, de facto prime minister in Afghanistan.

Last month's legislative elections, more than three years late, were marred by chronic disorganization and deadly violence. The complete results have yet to be published. The timing of the proposed elections would fit with the hopes of US envoy Zalmay Khalilzad that the Taliban and the Afghan government enter into a peace deal before the summer. After a second round of regional meetings attended by Taliban political representatives in Qatar this month, Khalilzad said he was "cautiously optimistic" for the end of the conflict. On Tuesday, NATO announced that three US soldiers had been killed in a Taliban-claimed attack, bringing to 12 the total number of US servicemen in the country this year.

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