After a heroic rescue in Thailand, an Australian doctor diving under caves mourns the death of his father


The father of an Australian doctor died Wednesday, shortly after his son played a key role in rescuing a male football team trapped in a cave for two weeks in the north from Thailand

. The final medical checks of the 12 boys trapped and their coach were among the divers who successfully completed Tuesday a mission that had attracted the attention of the world.

Read also: Rescue of Thai Cave and Indian Connection

"Early this morning, Harry's father died here in Adelaide … after they have all come out of the cave, "said Andrew Pearce, of the MedSTAR rescue service in the Australian city, where Harris, also known as Harry, is a specialist.

"It was a complete and unexpected shock," said Pearce, the director of clinical services of the organization, to reporters. He gave no cause of death nor the age of Harris's father, Jim.

"Harry put the mission first … now he has to come to terms with what really happened overnight," added Pearce. "You gave it all and you discover the sad news of your father, who is your best friend." It's really, really hard. "

On Wednesday, Harris declined to comment on the Australian newspaper in Thailand.

Look: A Daily Report Cave Rescue Mission of Thailand [19659002Les"Boars"âgésde11à16ansetleurentraîneurde25ansontétéprisaupiègele23juinalorsqu'ilbadploraientuncomplexedegrottesdanslaprovincedeChiangRailorsqu'uneaverseainondélescouloirsIlsétaientaffamésetblottisdansl'obscuritésurunebergeboueusedansunechambrepartiellementinondéeàplusieurskilomètreslundidernier

Harris played a central role in the rescue effort after days of strategy to get the boys out, "His unique expertise as a medical specialist and his vast experience as a cave diver were essential to the success of this operation", said Major Alex Rubin, of the Australian Defense Force. , told reporters i n Chiang Rai.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, in a video that he recounted from a conversation with Harris, presented his condolences and congratulations for the successful rescue

"No worries", Harris answers. "The great heroes are the children and the four SEALS of the Thai Navy who took care of them.These are the hardest guys I've ever had the privilege of meeting." [19659002] In a message of condolences to Harris on his Facebook page, the Thai Navy's elite unit said, "We wish you the best for this difficult time." We never thank you enough for what you did for children, their families, and Thailand. "

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