After a week of returns, Donald Trump returns to call the Russian interference "grand hoax"


By: AP | Washington |

Posted: 23rd July 2018 7:16:57

U.S. President Donald Trump, on the left, and Russian President Vladimir Putin leave a press conference after their meeting at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, Finland, on Monday, July 16, 2018. (AP Photo / Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

A week of theater President Donald Trump recalled Sunday that he was "a big hoax".

Trump has spent days trying to rebadure the country that he agrees that the long-time enemy has interfered in the 2016 elections after his public mishandling of US intelligence agencies in Helsinki while standing alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin. But Trump cast doubt again in a tweet on Sunday, diminishing at least the meaning, if not the existence, of interference and the US investigation into Russia's actions. "President Obama knew Russia before the election". "Why did not he do something? Why did not he tell our campaign? Because all this is a big hoax, that's why, and he thought that Crooked Hillary was going to win !!! "

It was not immediately clear if Trump suggested that the whole notion of Russian interference – the US intelligence agencies unanimously approve it and Trump agreed to reluctantly their badessment in the middle of the storm _ was fraudulent, or just the investigation of potential collusion by Trump badociates with Russian agents.

Anyway, he seemed to keep alive a controversy that had separated Trump from aid and for a long time. "The evidence is overwhelming and the President needs to say that and act like that," Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, said. In an interview with Fox News Sunday, the House Oversight Committee aired a few hours before Trump's tweet.

Two Trump badociates, former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn and George Papadopoulos campa, a foreign policy aide, pleaded guilty last year to charges brought by the special advocate Robert Mueller, alleging that they had lied to the FBI about their contacts with Russia.

Trump's latest missive came several hours after wiretapping his former campaign advisor Carter Page "confirm with little doubt" that intelligence agencies have deceived the court that approved the warrant.

But lawmakers from both political parties said that the documents do not show wrongdoing. undermine some of the previous claims by senior Republicans on the basis of obtaining a warrant against Page.

Thus, President Obama knew Russia before the election. Why did not he do something? Why did not he tell us about our campaign? Because all this is a big hoax, that's why, and he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 22, 2018

Visible parts of heavy The redacted documents, released Saturday under the Freedom of Information Act, show that the FBI told the court that "collaborated and conspired with the Russian government." The agency also told the court that "the FBI believes that the page was the subject of

The documents were part of the authorities' request to seek a warrant from the secret court monitoring information Foreigners, who signed on the surveillance documents, are ridiculously heavily expurgated, but confirm with little doubt that the Ministry of Justice and the FBI have misled the courts. "The witch hunt faked, a scam!"

The publication seems to negate some of the arguments contained in a memo prepared by the chairman of the House's intelligence committee, Devin Nunes, earlier this year.Nunes, R-Calif., And other Republicans had said that anti-Trump research in a case prepared by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele and paid by Democrats was used inappropriately to get the warrant on Page

that the FBI relied, in part, on information from Steele to obtain the original warrant, they also show how the FBI informed the court of its probable motivation.

A footnote in the warrant application states the FBI's badessment. The story of Steele and the likely interest of his support, adding that despite the political anxiety, the bureau believed at least that part of his report was "credible".

California Democrat Adam Schiff, a member of the committee, said the document details "just why the FBI was so concerned that Carter Page could act as an agent of a foreign power."

"It was a solid request and renewals signed by four dif" Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Putin's gift to Trump, summit of Helsinki, US-Russia, football ball gift to Trump, world news "data-lazy-src ="”/> Trump suggested that the whole notion of Russian interference was fraudulent, or Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida also broke up with Trump, saying that he did not think the FBI had done anything wrong by getting money orders against Page.

"I have a different point of view on this issue than the President and the White House," Rubio said Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation." "They did not spy on the campaign of all that I saw.You have here an individual who has openly boasted of his ties with Russia and the Russians."

Sunday Mr. Page said on CNN's "State of the Union": "I have never been the agent of a foreign power." 19659004] In a 2013 letter, Page was described as an "informal adviser" of the Kremlin, but he was now saying "it's really a trick" to call a counselor.

Page was not charged with a crime, but he was questioned by the FBI and congressional investigators about his ties to Russia. White House officials argued that Page, announced by the president in early 2016 as a foreign policy advisor, played only a minor role in the Trump campaign.

Documents released on Saturday include the FBI's October 2016 application. applications. This is the first time in more than 40 years that the highly secretive court has issued documents underlying a warrant.

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