After meeting Prime Minister Modi, Kapil Sharma talks with former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh



  • After being linked to a recent event with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, actor-comedian Kapil Sharma published on the social network some footage of the former Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh,
  • . to thank the former Prime Minister for his hospitality.

After being linked to a recent event with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, actor-comedian Kapil Sharma has released some footage of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on social media . He wrote a note following the meeting thanking the former prime minister for his hospitality. On the first picture, we can see him engaged in a conversation with Dr. Manmohan Singh and on the second, we see him taking the pose with the former Prime Minister and his wife.

Sharing the photo on Instagram, the comedian revealed that he had recently met the former prime minister at his home and that he had had a "heart to heart conversation" about their roots to Amritsar. Kapil Sharma then explained how he and Dr. Manmohan Singh had studied at the same college and said that they were also discussing food.

In his message, he wrote: "Thank you, respected @ dr.manmohan_singh for the warmth, hospitality and heart-to-heart conversation about our roots in Amritsar, especially our college and our food Was it an honor to meet a man of state as humble and simple as you and to receive the blessings of Madam? Regards "

Here is the post: [19659008] Earlier, Kapil Sharma met with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his way to Mumbai to inaugurate the National Museum of Indian Cinema last month. He shared the images of the same thing on social media and said that it was "great to know his inspiring ideas and his progressive views on the film industry and the nation in general" and praised his sense of humor. They also have a brief conversation on social media.

Meanwhile, star comedian Kapil Sharma is back after a well-deserved break as he kicks off the New Year with "The Kapil Sharma Show", which has already reached the summit as much than the TRP concerned. The second season of the series started with a TRP of 3.4 and totaled 3.2 on the weekend, followed by "Super Dancer". On a personal level, Kapil Sharma tied a knot with his longtime girlfriend, Ginni Chatrath, in Jalandhar on December 12 last year.

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