by Zoya Akhtar was disclosed by the runners of the website, Arun Vijay-starrer Tamil-thriller Thadam was The film was released this Friday and was the subject of stiff competition from 90 ml with Oviya starring, according to another film Tamil, the sports drama Pettikadai directed by Essaki Karvannan who releases last Friday, also appears to have been downloaded from the illegal website.
Despite being banned by the government, the Tamilrockers hack site remains a serious threat to the film industry as it continues to stream new movies online. . When Ranjikanth 2.0 was released earlier this year, officials urged the Madras High Court to curb piracy and take active steps in that direction. The High Court had taken the demand into account and banned more than 12,000 Internet domains registered on pirate sites. Much of this number was Tamilrockers.
The latest films in Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu and other languages are easily accessible on the Tamilrockers website. Despite the crackdown by law enforcement and the interventions of the Madras High Court, it appears that Tamilrockers has decided to easily ignore the warnings that followed its illegal activities.
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In the presentation of this year's parliamentary budget, a provision has also been introduced in the Cinematographs Act to ensure that piracy remains in check.
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