After the controversy over the niqab, AR Rahman shares an adorable photo of his children


AR Rahman, winner of an Oscar, was the victim of controversy with his daughter Khatija Rahman. Khatija recently delivered a moving speech at the tenth anniversary celebration of the Slumdog Millionaire Oscar's victory in Dharavi. Her daughter was dressed in a niqab and the trolls claimed that Rahman was a hypocrite for "forcing" her child to wear one.

However, the composer of Sarvam Thaala Mayam criticized critics with an appropriate photo. Rahman and his three children, Khatija, Raheema and AR Ameen are back in the news.

Rahman shared with Instagram the photo of his children, Khatija, Raheema and Ameen, dressed in fashionable clothes for a photo shoot in a magazine. It is said that the three were chosen for the ball of the beginners of the magazine.

Here are the pictures:

The picture becomes viral and in 15 hours she has exceeded 2 lakh tastes on Instagram. While Khatija and Ameen opted for black, Raheema wore a long pale green dress for the occasion.

Meanwhile, Rahman and Khatija were appreciated for treating the "niqab" controversy with the utmost dignity.

Detractors, Rahman shared a photo of his wife Sairaa and children Raheema and Khatija with a hashtag #freedomtochoose. In the picture, his daughter, Khatija, wears a niqab (a veil worn by some Muslim women), covering her face and hair.

The precious ladies of my family, Khatija, Raheema and Sairaa with NitaAmbaniji #freedomtochoose

ARRahman (@arrahman) [6 février909]

The other daughter of Rahman, Raheema, is seen without a veil or headdress, with open hair. His wife, Sairaa, was seen in a hijab, covering only her hair, during the event.

Khatija, for her part, attacked the trolls, saying, "I am a mature and healthy adult who knows how to make my choices in life." Every human being has the choice to wear or to do what he / she wants and that's what I do.Therefore, do not ask yourself to make your own judgment without understanding the exact situation #freedomofchoice. (sic) "

READ ALSO: This is why AR Rahman's daughter, Khatija, was moved during the Slumdog Millionaire event

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