AI changes the name of Taiwan to Chinese Taipei on the website


National airline Air India changed Taiwan's name to Chinese Taipei on its website, following government instructions, said a spokesman for the airline. .

The spokesman said that Air India had followed the procedure recommended by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to update the airline's website regarding the name change of Taiwan.

Air India operates flights to two destinations in China: Shanghai and Hong Kong

While Air India does not have flights to Chinese Taipei, it has a code share with Air China . That's why this destination is listed on the website of Air India

Now, Air India describes Taiwan as "Taipei, Taoyuan International Airport, TPE, Chinese Taipei" on its website.

Code-sharing allows an airline to book pbadengers on its partner carriers and provide non-stop flights to destinations where it is absent.

In April, the Administration of Civil Aviation of China sent letters to various foreign airlines asking them to change the way

The Chinese tabloid Global Times published a news article. opinion entitled "Indian scholars are wrong to equate the rank of territory with the status of Taiwan" on July 3.

"What Air India Clbadifies Taiwan as a Country Against India" Recognizing that there is only one China in the world, that the Government of the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate government representing all of China, and that Taiwan is an inalienated nation.According to the article, this part of Chinese territory is the condition on which China establishes diplomatic relations with all countries

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