Akshay Kumar began filming Rohit Shetty's Sooryavanshi. Yesterday, Rohit shared a picture of the shooting in which Akshay was ready to face terrorism as the leader of the ATS. Viewing.
One of the most anticipated movies of the coming year is Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif, a star of Sooryavanshi. The film will bring together Akshay and Katrina who have already shot in the past several films like Welcome and Singh is King. The film is an addition to the Rohit Shetty police universe, but it will take place in the 1990s. The film will feature Akshay Kumar as the head of the police department's anti-terrorist squad. The Sooryavanshi team started filming this week.
Yesterday, Rohit Shetty went on Instagram to share the first movie of the next movie. In the still, we can see Akshay in plainclothes and his team is with him. Akshay can be seen wearing an intense look with a black t-shirt and brown pants with a black belt. With his team, Sooryavanshi aka Akshay can be seen tracking down the bad guys. Sooryavanshi will see Akshay in the avatar of the policeman who does not wear uniforms and heads the "ghost department" of the police force.
Rohit titled the photo as follows: "No uniforms … No cars marked … SQUAD ANTITERRORIST – The GHOST department of our police … SOORYAVANSHI." That surely left the fans excited for the film Even Simmba, aka Ranveer Singh, commented and wrote: "BHAARI." On filming day, Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgn, Ranveer Singh, Karan Johar and Rohit Shetty shared a picture in which Simmba and Singham welcome Sooryavanshi in their cop world.
Discover the Still:
Meanwhile, Ranveer Singh and Ajay Devgn will make cameos in Akshay Kumar's Sooryavanshi.The film will feature Katrina Kaif in the role of the female director. 'Akshay and Neena Gupta in the role of his mother.The first glimpse of Sooryavnshi was seen in Ranveer Singh's Simmba in the last scene.With the release of the poster that took place a few months ago, the audience also learned the release date. avanshi is scheduled for the 2020.
READ ALSO: While Akshay Kumar begins Sooryavanshi, Ranveer Singh, Ajay Devgn, KJO welcome him into the police universe of Rohit Shetty
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