Album of the year: The Apollo 11 mission


  Album of the Year: The Apollo Mission 11

An example of the audio track sheet, printed from an badog band of the Apollo 11 mission.

Source: NASA [19659004] NASA's Apollo 11 mission comes alive with 19,000 hours of newly available audio

During the eight-hour Apollo 11 mission, astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins remain in constant communication with mission control and support teams. The back-and-forth exchanges, which took place during so-called "loops" of communication, were communicated to the media, because NASA is required to make its work public. But these fragile physical records had to be stored in special, air-conditioned chests.

Now, thanks to a collaborative effort between NASA and the University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas), the 19,000 hours of audio recordings of the Apollo 11 mission have been converted to digital format and are available online. [How the Apollo 11 Moon Landing Worked (Infographic)]

NASA Collection:

UT Dallas Collection:

UT The Dallas Online Collection has a number of audio category labels, which are useful if you want to listen to a specific part of the mission. There are even transcripts of these available conversations, a monumental effort by this collaborative team. Written documents will make it easier for researchers and amateurs to find moments of interest in the recordings.

Unquestionable magic surrounds the mission of Apollo 11, clearly apparent in listening to these recordings. Many people still remember hearing Armstrong announce "Houston, the basis of tranquility here, the eagle has landed". But these recordings reveal countless other incredible moments of the mission.

John HL Hansen, lead researcher for this project, said in a NASA statement that digitization of recordings is a way of "recognizing the countless scientists, engineers, and specialists who have worked behind the scenes of the Apollo program to to make a success: these are really the "heroes behind the heroes" of Apollo 11! "

A grand audio catalog, whose recordings include many highlights. Among the occasional static silence in the communications, Apollo 11 astronauts and the wide variety of support personnel talk about everything from school meetings to mission-critical instructions.

This audio puts you directly into the launcher's control module Saturn V. year back in 1969.

  Buzz Aldrin is on the moon during NASA's Apollo 11 mission in 1969. NASA recently revealed 19,000 hours of missio audio

Buzz Aldrin is on the moon during NASA's Apollo 11 mission in 1969. NASA recently revealed 19,000 hours of audio footage of the mission.

Source: NASA

An important part of the audio consists of a back-and-forth technique. Although dry, these conversations record an important part of Apollo 11, essential to the success of the mission and the survival of the crew. Even a correspondence that might seem trivial led to consequences of life and death.

However, even in these serious situations, the astronauts remained calm and even made jokes, revealed the recordings. For example, Hansen said in the statement, at one point in the records, Aldrin is working with the flight controllers while the sensor that measures his breathing is not working properly. While Aldrin and the flight crew review the possible explanations and discuss the issue, 10 to 15 minutes go by. Aldrin then jokes with the flight controllers, "Well, if I stop breathing, I'll be sure to let you know!"

In another case, Aldrin complains about the surface of the Earth. control can do something about it, according to the statement.

"We are approaching the 50th anniversary of Apollo, and I am really pleased that this resource is available," said Mark Geyer, director of NASA's Johnson Space Center, in a statement.

"The experience is one of the best teachers, as we continue our work of expanding the human exploration of our solar system, return to the moon and on Mars, we stand on the shoulders of the giants who made Apollo, "Geyer continued. "These tapes provide a unique insight into what it takes to make history and what it will take to make the future."

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