Alec Baldwin takes anger class in the parking conflict advocacy agreement


MICHAEL R. SISAK, Associated Press

Actor Alec Baldwin appears in a New York City court on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 for a hearing on the charge of having hit a man during a dispute over a parking place. last fall. (Alec Tobacco / The Daily via AP, Pool)


A few days after his appearance as President Donald Trump in a parody "Deal or No Deal" on "Saturday Night Live", Alec Baldwin has an agreement himself on Wednesday, agreeing to attend an anger management course to resolve a criminal case resulting from a skirmish around a parking lot.

Baldwin, accused of having struck another driver during the conflict last fall, outside his home. In New York, his home pleaded guilty of harbadment and his record will be sealed once he has completed the course of one day.

A charge of attempted badault for a crime has been dropped.

Prosecutors presented the compromise after viewing the video of the incident, consulting medical records and interviewing the victim. witnesses, District Assistant District Attorney Ryan Lipes said. Baldwin, 60, had a clean criminal record, said Lipes

Baldwin – clad in a sports jacket, a black top and black-rimmed glbades – only spoke a few words. during the brief hearing, essentially responding to the judge's questions.

The Manhattan Attorney's Office refuses to comment.

Baldwin and his lawyer do not comment outside the court, but the actor is not shy on Twitter. , where he criticized the media for being found in front of the courtroom when there were more serious cases elsewhere in the building and for falsely reporting the allegations against him.

"The press reported that I had hit someone … it's fake, and it's serious A man recently got a punch in New York and is deceased, "tweeted Baldwin, accompanied by a link to a newspaper article about a deadly battle of bars in Queens last November.

"Nothing that looks like justice enters or leaves courtroom in this country," he added. d.

Baldwin was charged with attempting to strike another driver during a November 2 row dispute over a parking space in front of his Manhattan building.

The police stated that Baldwin claimed to have a family member taking the place for him. he attempted to park his black Cadillac Escalade when a man driving a black Saab break stopped and took it.

Police said the men were fighting and pushing each other before Baldwin became more aggressive. The driver of the break told the police that Baldwin had hit him with his hand – but was not sure whether it was a punch or a punch. A slap.

Baldwin told a police officer that the other driver had "stolen my place". Prosecutors said in court documents that Baldwin's lawyer, Alan Abramson, argued that the former actor of "30 Rock" would be justified by "irrefutable video evidence".

Baldwin said on Twitter after Wednesday's hearing that there were three security cameras on the outside of his building and that the punch "n ' did not take place "

No video was shown in court.

Baldwin, who was boarded from a flight in 2011 for refusing to tidy his cell phone, was playing with his phone while waiting for Wednesday's hearing – but he did not discuss it when court officials announced that phones should be turned off and concealed.

That was true, the second floor audience room was already noisy with the beep sound of the detainees transport buses to the outside backup, providing a constant, if not boring, soundtrack for his appearance.

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