Amazon exceeds Flipkart with $ 7.5 billion GMV


BENGALURU: The Amazon online retail group surpbaded Flipkart with a gross merchandise value of $ 7.5 billion (GMV), compared to $ 6.2 billion in the year ended March 31, 2018, according to a Barclays report. But when his Myntra and Jabong fashion units are included, Flipkart is a card game with Amazon India.

"While Amazon and Flipkart (ex-Myntra and Jabong) were at arm's length with GMV during Exercise 17, Amazon clearly took the lead during this period. exercise, with a budget of $ 7.5 billion against $ 6.2 billion for Flipkart. autonomous ", says the report published on November 26th.

But the report also adds that in terms of revenue, Flipkart continues to be ahead of Amazon, even though its growth is much faster. Amazon's American rival, Walmart, acquired 77% of Flipkart earlier this year, for $ 16 billion, or $ 22 billion.

"Flipkart remains larger than Amazon in terms of revenue ($ 3.8 billion vs. $ 3.2 billion), although Amazon is catching up quickly and continues to grow much faster (82% versus 47%), "says Barclays US report. badysts Ross Sandler, Deepak Mathivanan and Karen Short.

The spokesperson of Amazon India said: "We do not comment on industry reports." The Flipkart spokesperson also did not comment directly on the report, saying that "Flipkart remains an undisputed leader … has captured an outsize market share of 70% over the five days of the TBBD period (The Big Billion Days) this year, as pointed out by independent researchers. "

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<p>  The report was published while Flipkart had a collapse at the highest level earlier this month, with the release of Binny Bansal, chairman of the group, after what Walmart had termed.The report adds that the two companies are aggressively investing in developing the online retail market in India. "Investments are increasing rapidly at Amazon ( India accounts for about 7% of international retail spending in 2018) and Flipkart's operating losses could be around $ 1.5 billion for the year ending in January 2020, "he said. added.
<p>  Amazon has invested just over a billion dollars in its main unit in India, Amazon Seller Services, so far this year. It injected about 7,250 crores of rupees into this unit in three installments in 2018. Amazon's total infusion in its market activities now amounts to nearly 25,090 crore, more than 3.6 billions of dollars.
<p>  Barclays also said it expects online retail trade in India to reach $ 40 billion to $ 45 billion by the end of 2020. "With the increasing penetration of the business," he said. Internet, payment options and delivery infrastructure, the number of e-commerce users is expected to more than double, from 80 to 90 million in 2017 to 180-200 million in 2020, and the market should from $ 18-20 billion in 2017 to $ 40-45 billion by 2020, with apparel and consumer electronics driving growth, "says the report.<br />
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