Amazon India beats Flipkart's gross sales, says Barclays


BENGALURU: Amazon India far surpbaded Flipkart's gross sales during the fiscal year ended March 2018, says a report from Barclays Investment Bank. If the estimates are correct, this marks a turning point in Indian e-commerce.

Five years after entering India, the American company seems to have beaten the local poster – which now belongs to Walmart – although it has a six-year lead. Barclays said the two men were neck and neck in 2016-17, but Amazon took a significant lead the following year. Amazon's gross sales are estimated at $ 7.5 billion, compared to $ 6.2 billion for Flipkart.

Barclays' estimates do not include the Myntra-Jabong fashion sector, which is part of the Flipkart group. But if we consider that Myntra-Jabong has reached a gross sales rate of about $ 2 billion, the difference between Amazon India and the Flipkart group last year could have been marginal.


According to the Barclays report, Amazon is expected to record gross sales of more than $ 11 billion during the current fiscal year, and Flipkart (excluding Myntra-Jabong) about $ 9 billion.

However, Barclays says that Flipkart is still ahead of Amazon, but that Amazon should soon catch up. "Flipkart continues to be larger than Amazon in terms of revenue ($ 3.8 billion versus $ 3.2 billion), although Amazon is catching up quickly and continues to grow much more quickly (82% versus 47%), "says the report.

The revenues of e-commerce businesses come from the commissions they perceive on each transaction made on their platforms, as well as advertising on the platforms and services provided, such as l & # 39; warehousing and logistics to traders. Flipkart's largest revenues would be due to a larger wholesale activity than Amazon's.

Flipkart and Amazon both claim market leadership. And continue to do it. A Flipkart spokesperson, contacted by TOI about the Barclays report, said: "Flipkart remains an undisputed leader and it has also been set up by independent research houses that closely monitor the industry in India." .

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