Amazon's Jeff Bezos beat Netflix's Stranger Things. People say … | it's viral


In an article that surprised and impressed many people, Amazon's founder, Jeff Bezos, shared his reaction to Season 3 of Netflix's original series, Stranger Things. It's a show about a group of teenagers fighting against supernatural monsters. Bezos went on Instagram and praised the series after watching it frantically with his kids and some of their friends. What Instagram can not forget is how Bezos, who founded Amazon Prime Video, praised what many consider to be one of his best competitors.

"Season 3 of Binged Stranger Things with my children and some of their friends. My god, the eggs are good and the show was even better. The season is great, "wrote Bezos on Instagram.

Posted on July 9 on Instagram, the article has collected more than 67,000" likes "- until now. have come up with all kinds of comments on this post.An Instagram user even suggested to Bezos to watch another popular original from Netflix India – Sacred Games.Watch how more comments have been made.

A few days ago, Netflix launched the third season of Stranger Things and since then it has been watched by more than 40.7 million accounts.

First published:
July 11, 2019 5:47 PM IST

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