Amir's visit to bring the links between Qatar and the United Kingdom to new heights


The current official visit of His Highness Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani to the United Kingdom is an extension of the historical friendship and alliance between the two friendly countries. It also reflects Qatar's desire to strengthen and develop relations with different countries.
Bilateral relations between Doha and London have gradually developed over the years, since the beginning of oil and gas exploration in the Gulf region. Businesses have played a key role in the development of the oil and gas industry in Qatar and in the region. These relations have extended to bilateral co-operation in all fields, in particular political, economic, commercial, military, cultural and educational.
The visit, which will take place at the invitation of Prime Minister Theresa May, will focus on strategic areas, which will strengthen relations between the two countries and help achieve common interests. The two sides will also discuss a number of regional and international issues of common interest.
This visit will be an opportunity to open up broader horizons for mutual investment at the public and private sector level. The United Kingdom has been the preferred destination for Qatari investments in various fields, especially real estate.
His Highness the Emir met with Prime Minister May in London during his official visit to the United Kingdom on September 15, 2016. He also met last September, on the sidelines of the 72nd session of the United Nations. United Nations General Assembly, where the two sides discussed bilateral relations and ways to develop cooperation in various fields and exchanged views on various regional and international developments. efforts to mediate Kuwait to resolve the crisis through dialogue.
Qatari-British relations have historical relevance that gives them weight and uniqueness, which is reflected in all areas of cooperation. The two countries have signed a number of bilateral agreements in various fields.
Qatar's smart leadership wants to turn the country into a global hub for knowledge-based industries and innovation, as well as to build a sustainable economy capable of achieving high growth. rate in the future. Qatar also wants to expand its partnership with the United Kingdom in the areas of education, health, sport and security, where the United Kingdom is a world leader
. UK Strategic Dialogue (Sharaka), which is one of the most important mechanisms for the development of bilateral relations between the two countries.
Having invested more than 40 billion pounds, Qatar is one of the largest investors in the United Kingdom. Qatar plans to invest another 5 billion pounds in the UK economy over the next few years through investment funds and other Qatari entities. These investments will be concentrated in the energy, infrastructure, real estate and other sectors.
Bilateral relations were strengthened in March 2017, during the Qatar – UK Business and Investment Forum, which was held in London and Birmingham. The forum confirmed the soundness of the Qatari financial and banking sectors and gave British companies the opportunity to learn about the investment opportunities available in different sectors in Qatar.
Birmingham was chosen as the forum venue as it is the second largest city in Qatar. United Kingdom with a population of over 5 million. It also offers promising investments and the city should be connected to London through a fast rail network.
The forum attracted significant investment from the Qatari side who wanted to take advantage of the opportunities available in Birmingham. Qatar is one of the UK's leading energy partners, where it supplies nearly 30% of Britain's natural gas needs. The United Kingdom is also Qatar's sixth largest trading partner.
More than 79 British companies operate in Qatar in the field of oil, gas, infrastructure and information technology with a capital of 8.1 billion riyals. There are 672 joint Qatari-UK companies operating in Qatar in the fields of engineering consultancy, contracts, information technology, trade and services.
UK believes in the strategic and economic importance of Qatar and wants to take full advantage of investment opportunities. sectors through free and fair trade that benefits both countries. The UK is also valuing Qatar's investments in the UK.
The United Kingdom is looking to invest more in the projects of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, especially in stadium security and cybersecurity. Qatar is the UK's largest export market in the Middle East and North Africa. British exports to Qatar reached 2.38 billion pounds in 2016, up 21.7% from 2014. Qatar's exports to the United Kingdom in 2015 amounted to 2.57 billion pounds. sterling, up 20.4% from 2014.
one of the main destinations for Qatari students and their number is increasing day by day. In 2014-2015, the number of Qatari students who went to the UK for higher education increased by 20.4%. The number of Qatari students in the UK has doubled since 2010.
The new partnership agreement signed in 2010 marks a milestone in Qatari-UK relations, according to which it was agreed that the two countries would intensify their high-level dialogues by initiating regular ministerial consultations on regional issues. In addition, they are both committed to international development that is reinforced by intensified dialogues between ministers concerned with promoting relations in education, sport and culture.
The historic partnership agreement also launched a new phase of strategic relations between Qatar and the United Kingdom on foreign policy, security and military cooperation in the Gulf region, and affirmed their commitment to peacefully resolve global conflicts.

Amir arrives in London

His Highness Amir Shaykh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani a visit to the United Kingdom friendly at the invitation of Prime Minister Theresa May. His Highness the Emir is accompanied by an official delegation

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