Amit Shah Chairs BJP Leadership Meeting to "uproot the Congress" from the Northeast


Written by Jimmy Leivon
| Imphal |

Posted: June 30, 2018 21:42:23

  BJP leader Amit Shah at the meeting in Imphal on Saturday. (Twitter / @ AmitShah) BJP leader Amit Shah at the meeting in Imphal on Saturday. (Twitter / @ AmitShah)

BJP leader Amit Shah chaired a meeting Saturday with leaders of the north-east party in Imphal to develop a strategy to "uproot the Congress" of the region. The meeting, which was held under the slogan "Congress-mukt Bharat (India without Congress), began at 11 am and will continue until midnight.

Lok Sabha 2019 Planning and Election Management the political conditions and social issues in the North-East States and the party's organizational structure in the region should be discussed at the meeting.

Prior to the meeting, N Nimbus, General Secretary of the Manipur Party, said the two-day visit of Shah to political significance for the entire Northeast region.The leader of the BJP and the team will look for ways to uproot Congress from all over the Northeast, he added.

A team of BJP delegates, including General Secretary Ram Madhav, Manipur Officer Prahlad Singh Patel, North East General Secretary (Organization) Ajay Jamwal and North East Secretary General Arun Singh, attended the meeting. meeting

The r union also saw the participation of eight delegates from Tripura, led by Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb, 10 delegates from Nagaland led by Deputy Minister Y Pattor, 14 years of Arunachal Pradesh led by the Chief Minister Pema Khandu, nine of Meghalaya led by BJP leader Shibum Lyngdoh and a representative of Mizoram and Sikkim. The chairman of the party of Arunachal Pradesh, Tapir Gao, was also present

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