Amol Palekar raises concerns about censorship during a speech in front of the NGMA


  Amol Palekar, freedom of speech, censorship, National Gallery of Modern Art, news from India, Indian news
The actor delivered a speech at the inauguration "Inside the Empty Box", retrospective of the artist Prabhakar Barwe. (Express Archives)

The art world in Mumbai is plunged into a crisis of freedom of expression while actor and filmmaker Amol Palekar has expressed concern over "censorship" "Following repeated interruptions of his speech at the inauguration of an exhibition at the National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA) in Mumbai. The actor was speaking in "Inside the Empty Box", a retrospective on the artist Prabhakar Barwe.

In his speech, Palekar worried about policy changes that will give the Ministry of Culture of the Center the exclusive right to decide the content. and exhibition themes to be held at the NGMA in Mumbai and Bengaluru. Until last October, these decisions involved local artists' advisory committees, which were reconstituted every three years.

He stated: "This control of the NGMA, sacred place of artistic expression and visualization of various arts, is the most recent victim of this" war against the humanities "as someone who has been in charge of the arts. a l told him recently! I am really troubled … What is most disturbing is that those who are aware of such unilateral orders have not spoken, have not protested or even questioned the critics. "

During his speech, he was interrupted several times. First, the artist and former chairman of the Mumbai Advisory Committee, Suhas Bahulkar, asked him to continue talking about Barwe and his work.

Interrupted by the curator of the exhibition, Jesal Thacker, Palekar said that he had reminded her of the invitation of the writer Nayantara Sahgal. attending a Marathi literary event was withdrawn because his speech was critical to the current political environment.

Palekar was finally unable to deliver the full speech he had prepared and finished earlier.

Contacted by The Indian Express, Thacker Even though I admire Barwe and Amol, my intention was not to prevent Amol from finishing his speech, but to beg him to tell him of his anecdotes and his memories of the artist, celebrated 24 years later. his disappearance. Prabhakar Barwe, himself, was an idealistic painter whose practice was subliminal. All these years, I have strived solely to seek and represent the purity of the artist. It is a conscious effort of Barwe that as curator and organizer, I tried to conserve and respect. Opinions that are not directly related to the subject of the evening – the art and life of Barwe – can always be expressed at a more appropriate time and space, directly addressing the issues raised. "

Speaking with The Indian Express, Palekar expressed surprise at the interruptions of his speech." I was previously in a dilemma, to know if I had to talk about the problems that I'm having. I raised, but realized that I could not be silent, many artists were aware of these policy changes and there were whispers all around, and I could not remain silent on this occasion, especially because this exhibition is the last to have been decided by the advisory committee, "he declared. [19659011] Thank you #AmolPalekar for your courage There can be no room for censorship in a real democracy

– Alankrita Shrivastava (@ alankrita601) February 10, 2019

Several leading figures in the film industry expressed their solidarity with Palekar Alankrita Shrivastava, Ivain and director of Lipstick Under My Burkha, wrote: "Thank you, AmolPalekar, for your courage. There can be no room for censorship in a real democracy. "

#Shame Why does it become an unacceptable criticism? we should be quite open to dialogue … I can not do that !!! #AmolPalekar
Speech by Amol Palekar interrupted in Mumbai Event to criticize the government via @ndtv

– Onir (@IamOnir) of February 10, 2019

Filmmaker Onir tweeted: "Shame Why is becoming a type of unacceptable criticism. we should be quite open to dialogue … I can not do that !!! #AmolPalekar. "

Unbelievable. When we talked about our "culture" to a ministry … that's what happens. Such a lack of respect towards a guest, a main actor !! I am nauseated.

– Mini Mathur (@minimathur) February 10, 2019

The actor and TV host Mini Mathur shared, "Incredible. When we talked about our "culture" to a ministry … that's what happens. Such a lack of respect towards a guest, a main actor !! I'm sick of it

Impolite and not very artistic – should have heard #AmolPalekar after all, he was the famous speaker you invited. after which you could have answered. #NGMA

– Rahul dholakia (@rahuldholakia) 10 February 2019

Raees director Rahul Dholakia condemned the "rude and unartistic" behavior and wrote "Rude & unartistic – should have. heard #AmolPalekar, after all, he was the famous guest speaker you invited. after which you could have answered. #NGMA. "

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