An American soldier in Afghanistan is killed in an insider attack


A soldier from the Afghan National Army monitors the scene of a suicide bombing in Kabul on October 31. (Omar Sobhani / Reuters)

KABUL A member of the US Armed Forces was killed and another wounded in an attack. A member of the Afghan security forces opened fire on Saturday in Kabul, officials said.

The wounded soldier was evacuated to Bagram Air Base, a US military facility about 35 km north of Kabul, for treatment, according to a statement from Debra Richardson, spokesman for the coalition led by l & # 39; NATO.

Richardson Afghan Defense Ministry spokesman Sayed Javid Ghafoor confirmed his story.

Expressing himself by phone, he stated that the attack had taken place at a Kabul base where foreign troops were providing training. for the Afghan forces.

The reason for the shooting – the second insider attack at a base against foreign troops in less than two weeks – was not immediately clear.

[ a wounded general during an attack in Afghanistan]

The Taliban praised Saturday's attack, claiming that it had been conducted by a "reasonable Afghan" .

For days, foreign troops have avoided going to the Afghan bases because of the threat of internal attacks. A soldier was shot dead on 22 October by a commando of Afghan forces just days after the death of a senior Afghan regional police officer by an armed man dressed in an army uniform. Afghan. most of the people had personal contacts with members of the Afghan security forces and temporarily withdrew from Afghan security facilities

The latest attacks have raised new concerns about attacks by Afghans in uniform against Afghan security forces. coalition staff. Since 2008, more than 150 US soldiers or subcontractors or coalition members have died and about 200 people have been injured.

Insider attacks peaked in 2012, but have steadily declined since, due to increased selection of Afghan recruits, additional guards and foreign advisers. the withdrawal of most foreign troops. However, several deadly attacks of this type have been perpetrated over the last two years, including by highly qualified Afghan commandos.

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