Ancient worms frozen for over 40000 years in Siberian Permafrost behave strangely after waking


In many sci-fi movies, like Captain America, where the hero was frozen for nearly 70 years, decades later, the fictional hero also felt a little disoriented and was trying to accumulate l & # 39; information. about the world today. But in real life, microscopic worms, frozen for tens of thousands of years, have shown a dramatic attitude after waking up from a deep sleep.

A study published in the May 2018 issue of the journal Doklady Biological Sciences entitled Viable Nematodes of Upper Pleistocene Permafrost of the Kolyma Lowlands stated that the permafrost of Serbia showed signs of life after scientists have found microscopic worms or nematodes trapped and frozen in ice since the end of the Pleistocene. 2,588,000 to 11,700 years ago

Scientists have stated that despite being frozen for several decades, two species of these worms have been successfully relaunched. The researchers said it is the first evidence of multicellular organisms returning to life after a long nap in Arctic permafrost.

Nearly a millimeter long, these tiny creatures are known for their awesome abilities. Scientists have discovered that some of the nematodes live 1.3 km below the surface of the Earth. Experts have mentioned that these worms are also able to develop one of five different mouths, depending on the type of dietary supplement available around them.

For the recent study, researchers badyzed nearly 300 samples of Arctic permafrost nematodes. While a sample came from a fossilized squirrel burrow near the Alazeya River in the northeastern part of Yakutia in Russia and that scientists believe that it has about 32,000 years ago, the other permafrost sample was taken from the Kolyma River in northeastern Siberia.

When researchers isolated these female worms in permafrost samples, they found that these nematodes represented two known species, Panagrolaimus detritophagus and Plectus parvus

. these worms, they saw that these creatures, who had been sleeping deeply for decades, started to move normally and eat food so that nothing happened to them. Scientists have mentioned this incredible incident as the first evidence of "natural cryopreservation" of multicellular animals.

Further study of these worms will help scientists understand how these ancient nematodes acted normally after surviving such freezing. The researchers also stated in the study, "It is obvious that this ability suggests that Pleistocene nematodes have coping mechanisms that may have scientific and practical significance for related scientific fields, such as the cryomedicine, cryobiology and astrobiology. " 19659002] It is important to know that this is not the first case when an organism has woken millennia in an icy suspension. A group of researchers had already identified a mysterious giant virus that had been buried for 30,000 years in Siberian permafrost.

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