Another dead character would be back


By Adam Barnhardt

While half of the universe is suddenly missing – or presumed dead – after Avengers: Infinity War it is clear that the Avengers will have to do something they have never done before in from Avengers: Endgame whether it's traveling in time or jumping from a dimension to the other. And that could mean some serious shenanigans, including, but not limited to, characters coming from the dead.

The narrative arc that changes reality is likely to reintroduce several familiar characters into the fray – especially when Endgame was touted as the culmination of the 20+ films we saw in the MCU in the last ten years.

According to a new report, there would be a character who will come back to help Thor (Chris Hemsworth) in his quest to stop Thanos. In a report published by Revenge of the Fans, Thor's mother, Frigga (Rene Russo), is expected to reappear at some point in Endgame .

There are several scenarios in which Frigga can come back. Although time travel seems to be the most popular theory, it is possible that Frigga will return in the present time. After being killed by Kurse in Thor: The Dark World the character is more than likely in Valhalla, the Asgardian version of Heaven.

There is some evidence to support Thor's journey to Valhalla in End of Part . First and foremost, viewers of Avengers: Age of Ultron will remember that Thor's vision was to see his loved ones in the afterlife. Add to this the fact that the production filmed some scenes inside the famous Durham Cathedral and that most fans wondered if the scenes should deal with Valhalla or Hel.

If Thor does not travel between the realms, it's quite possible that he would be reunited with his mother if the Avengers had to go back in time before Thanos realized his infamous Snap, provoking The decimation. After all, Asgard has hosted various Infinity Stones over the years, and as Frigga was the fearless Queen of the Kingdom, she presumed that she knew very well what the stones could do.

Finally, there is always an outside. It is quite likely that this version of Frigga is in another dimension if the Avengers were to use the Quantum Kingdom to move between the "primordial" Earth and other realities. Many toy leaks have shown the group in new white suits, which seems to indicate that he will travel across the quantum realm.

Do you think that the Oscar-winning Russo will be back in Endgame ? If she appears, do you think it will be through a trip back in time or another method? Tell us what you think in the comments!

Avengers: Endgame arrives in the theater on April 26th.

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