Apocalyptic Blood Moon: Greece Strikes with Unexpected Sudden Floods


  blood moon

A photo taken on January 31, 2018 shows the moon rising behind a mountain during a lunar eclipse, called the "super blue blood moon" near Syria – Turkish border in the district of Hbada in Hatay Astronomers around the world have been fortunate to witness a rare "Moon of Super Blue Blood". January 31, 2018, when the shadow of the Earth bathed our satellite in a coppery hue. was the result of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon aligning perfectly for a lunar eclipse, just as the Moon is close to its orbit closest to the Earth, giving it an appearance […] 19659004] Just days after the devastating wildfire that claimed the lives of over 82 people, Greece witnessed another natural disaster disaster when a sudden, severe flood disturbed the life of the inhabitants of Athens. Even though no one was injured in the incident, many cars and motorcycles were damaged in the city. As flash floods hit the city in a rage, some of the conspiracy theorists began to badert that it is the impact of the blood moon that unleashes natural disasters on the planet

. God's direct message that the apocalypse is near. Earlier, renowned Christian televangelist Paul Begley predicted that the blood moon of July 27 would unleash chaos in every corner of the globe. The televangelist added that the Hawaii earthquake Friday, which measured 5.3 on the Richter scale, is the initial indication of an imminent apocalypse.

Paul Begley firmly believes that recent incidents on earth have revealed that Bible prophecies are fulfilled. Begley argues that the increase in Yellowstone's volcanic activity, the three-hour darkness in Russia, the heat wave in Britain, and the recent earthquakes in Hawaii are all signs of the upcoming apocalypse.

Paul Begley also believes that these current developments are just a little curtain-raiser of the apocalyptic spectacle, and he believes that more devastating events will occur before the second coming of Christ.

Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are already loaded with apocalyptic predictions, and many people believe that the moon's eclipse is an indication of God that the rogue planet Nibiru is coming. According to these theorists, the world will witness the devastation of its life, as the planet X will hit the earth with all its fury.

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However, the experts have made it clear that there is nothing wrong with the blood moon of July 27th. According to astronomers and space experts, the lunar eclipse is a natural phenomenon and the red color of the moon is due to a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering

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