Aquaman, the actor of Khal Drogo could play Duncan Idaho in the new movie Dune


<img src = "×507.jpg" alt = "Jason Momoa hit hard with his portrayal of Khal Drogo in HBO Game of Thrones and had a worldwide box office success with Aquaman now playing Duncan Idaho in a new film adaptation of Dune . " >
Enlarge / Jason Momoa hit hard with his portrayal of Khal Drogo in HBO's Game of Thrones and had total box office success with Aquaman . . He must now embody Duncan Idaho in the new film adaptation of Dune .


The Hollywood deadline indicates that Aquaman is the star Jason Momoa – who immortalized Dothraki warlord, Khal Drogo. The first season of Game of Thrones is in negotiations to represent another sci-fi warrior, Duncan Idaho, of Dune Frank Herbert's 1965 science-fiction novel. Directed by Denis Villeneuve, the filming of this new film adaptation is planned for this year.

(Light spoilers for original novel below.)

Dune unfolds in the distant future (where else?) And follows the fortunes of various noble houses in what s? apparent to a feudal interstellar society. Much of the action takes place on the planet Arrakis, where the economy is largely based on a rare drug called "spice" that prolongs life, and also carries a kind of prescience. There is a space travel faster than the light, a prophecy concerning a messianic figure, giant sand worms and many battles, while the protagonist Paul Atreides (son of a duke) strives to defeat the forces of Shaddam IV, emperor of the known universe. [19659007] This brief summary does not really do justice to the greatness and enormous cultural influence of Herbert's novel. At its first publication, the Chicago Tribune called it "one of the monuments of modern science fiction". Astronomers have used the names of many fictitious planets in Dune to identify various topographic features on Saturn's moon, Titan. Herbert has written five suites and the franchise also includes board games, computer games and numerous prequel and suites by his son, Brian Herbert, with Kevin J. Anderson.

It took 20 years before Dune . was finally adapted to film in 1984 by director David Lynch, starring Kyle MacLachlan as Paul Atreides. As an exercise in building the world, it was an impressive achievement, which allowed much of Herbert's original vision to be lived. But the plot has moved away from the novel significantly, the cast of actors has been shot and the film has been criticized. (It has not improved over time, the film is almost unbadailable.) The author expressed satisfaction with the result, recognizing the freedoms he had taken, while claiming that he could "hear my dialogue from end to end ". He failed, however, at the box office, reporting only $ 30.9 million on a $ 40 million budget.

In 2000, SyFy adapted the novel into a mini-series rewarded by Frank Herbert & # 39; s Dune's six-part Emmy Award . , followed by a consecutive miniseries in 2003, The Children of Frank Herbert of Dune. Both are among the most popular programs in the chain.

In the new adaptation of Legendary Pictures, Momoa plays Duncan Idaho, swordmaster of House House Atreides and Paul's trusted advisor. As our own Lee Hutchinson puts it, "Idaho is basically the C-3PO / R2D2 of Dune – this is the character that is present for every book, however implausible it is." (The late Richard Jordan played Duncan in the 1984 film and James Watson in the SyFi miniseries.) He joins an already stellar cast, including Timothy Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Dave Bautista, Stellan Skarsgard, Charlotte Rampling, Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin. .

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