Arnold Schwarzenegger lends his voice to Stan Lee's latest Superhero Kindergarten project


The actor Arnold Schwarzenegger will be the captain Courage in Stan Lee's film Superhero Kindergarten a new animated series aimed at preschool children.

Produced by Genius Brands International, POW! Entertainment and Schwarzenegger's Oak Productions, the show is expected to be one of the latest projects on which the Marvel Comics icon will work before his death, last November, at the age of 95, reported the deadline .com.

Schwarzenegger stated that it was an "honor" and privilege "to work on this new series and" to help continue Stan's creative legacy by introducing this new group of superheroes to preschoolers around the world.
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"Stan Lee's Superhero Kindergarten not only presents comedies and action, but also many valuable lessons to learn." Another source of pride for me is that I do not just teach children to use their superpowers, giving children around the world valuable lessons about the importance of health, exercise and nutrition, "he added.
Lee's concept for the show is partly inspired by the success of Schwarzenegger in Kindergarten Cop the 1990 comedy directed by Ivan Reitman. An image will appear in each episode of the series.

"While his millions of fans are eagerly waiting to see him appear in every Marvel movie, they are eagerly awaiting his presence in every episode of this caricature," Heyward added. 19659004] During an eight-decade career, Lee co-created hundreds of characters, among which Marvel Comics iconic properties, such as Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Avengers, X-Men , Thor, Nick Fury, Ant-Man and Doctor Strange. .

In 2011, Lee and Schwarzenegger announced a collaboration on another animated project, a series of actions entitled The Governator but the concept was never commercialized.

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