Arterial hypertension prior to age 40 due to earlier stroke, heart disease


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By Reuters

Two new studies suggest that people who suffer from high blood pressure before the age of 40 have a higher risk of heart disease and of stroke (stroke) in the middle age. One of the studies was conducted on 4,800 young adults in the United States and revealed elevated blood pressure before the age of 40, badociated with a risk of heart disease and stroke. brain up to three and a half times higher after about 19 years of follow-up.

nearly 2.5 million young adults in South Korea over a decade and also found that high blood pressure before the age of 40 was linked to an increased risk of heart disease and dementia. Stroke. Women participating in this study had a risk of cardiovascular disease up to 76% higher, while in men, this risk was 85% higher than that of their counterparts with normal blood pressure.

"High blood pressure in early adulthood can cause a heart attack Ramachandran Vasan of the School of Medicine and the School of Public Health at Boston University.

Hypertension is often badociated with other risk factors, such as excess weight, high cholesterol, hyperglycemia and smoking, which increase the risk of stroke and stroke. heart attack, said Vasan, author of an accompanying editorial, by email.These can damage the target organs, including the heart and arteries, and promote the thickening of the walls arterial and accumulation of cholesterol deposits and plaques in the arteries, "thus creating a substrate (" soil ", if you will) for future heart attacks and strokes. "

For studies published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers evaluated high blood pressure using new, more aggressive target rates recommended by the American Heart Association and the American Medical Association. American College of Cardiology in 2017. The new recommendations were based on new evidence suggesting that even slightly elevated mild blood pressure early in life could be a precursor to cardiovascular disease as people age. [19659007Patientswereclbadifiedashavinghypertensionwhentheirhighestreadingnumberorsystolicpressure(reflectingbloodpressure)whentheheartbeatwasbeatingtheheartofthearteries)averagingatleast130millimetersofmercury

arterial hypertension if the number of low or diastolic pressure (reflecting the pressure against the walls of the when the heart lies between the beats) averages at least 80 millimeters of mercury.

Before the new recommendations of 2017, people did not suffer from hypertension they had measures of 140/90 or more.

Not all physicians treated patients with the newer, more aggressive blood pressure target, in part for fear that long-term use of medications to lower blood pressure could have side effects. such as diarrhea or constipation, dizziness, tiredness, headache, nausea, vomiting, or mood disorders.

Young adults with high blood pressure should consider the risk of drug-related side effects, but can also manage their lifestyle blood pressure. changes like eating better or doing more exercise, and they should discuss these options with their doctor, said the main author of the Korean study, Dr. Sang-min Park of Seoul Nati. onal University Hospital.

"We have shown that hypertension, even at a young age, could be badociated with a higher risk of heart attack or stroke," Park said by e-mail. "Therefore, the blood pressure of young adults with hypertension should be monitored regularly and manage their blood pressure level by changing their lifestyle or taking medication."

Lifestyle changes are beneficial not only to reduce Park also noted an improvement in physical and mental health.

No studies have examined whether aggressive treatment of high blood pressure could prevent people from developing or dying of heart disease.

But the results still suggest treating the blood pressure more aggressively. Younger could help reduce the risk of premature heart problems later in life, said Dr. Yuichiro Yano, lead author of the US-based study, Duke University.

"Our study is one of the first to report that 40-year-olds, having high blood pressure or high blood pressure, are at increased risk of heart failure, stroke, or stroke. and blocking blood vessels as they get older, "Yano said by e-mail.

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